Conversations (대화)

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Nari shot a glance at the digital clock beside her. It was 2:17 in the morning. 2:17. The house was silent as can be, which was a sharp contrast to earlier in the day where noise was filled to the brim. Nari thought that she'd like the quiet, but at this particular moment the silence was killing her.

She had to go to the bathroom. However, she couldn't remember at all where it was in the house. All the doors looked the same from the outside and she didn't want to bother any of the boys by waking them up for such a small request. The only problem was that Nari didn't think she would hold out until morning either.

The girl softly got out of bed and tiptoed over to her door, opening it with a slight creak. She could see faint light emanating from somewhere down the hall. Maybe someone was up after all. She slyly slunk towards the source of the light, desperately hoping so. The girl breathed a sigh of relief as she peeked around the corner and saw a familiar boy with mint green hair eating cereal on the kitchen table.

"Uh, hey Nari." Suga greeted her, slightly confused, "Is there something wrong?"

She shook her head, "No, I mean, yes. Um, where's the bathroom? I forgot. Sorry."

"No, it's okay." The boy assured her, "And it's the first door to the left in the room hall. Oh, and there's something I want to talk to you about. Come back here after you're done, okay?"

Nari said her thanks and hurried off to the hallway he specified, anxiety already starting to claw at her mind. What did he want to talk to her about? And why he up anyway, eating cereal, nonetheless? The girl quickly finished her business and returned to the kitchen where Suga was just as she left him; writing in a small journal between bites of cornflakes.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" She asked as she took a chair across from him, "Did I do something wrong?"

"No way!" Suga looked up and shook his head, "I just wanted to ask you what you wanted for breakfast tomorrow, since it's just going to be us two." He continued, "There's no need to worry, Nari, you're doing alright. I was thinking of making omurice, if that's okay with you."

Nari nodded, "That's fine, but I thought Jin did all the cooking."

"He does, but that's because I'm usually really lazy." He laughed, "I really like to cook too, it's just a matter of whether I'm willing to get out of bed or not. I'll do it for you though. You deserve it."

Nari smiled. Suga seemed a little different than the rest of the guys. Maybe more laid back, a bit more carefree. She'd never met anyone that seemed to give off the same vibe as he did. The girl knew she would feel comfortable with him, just like the way she felt with Jin and Namjoon.

"So, what are we going to do tomorrow?" Nari asked.

"Sleep in late and watch movies." He replied smoothly, "You're going to be really busy in the next week with the rest of the guys so I figured that a lazy day at home would be best. Unless you want to go somewhere, of course."

She shook her head, "No, it's okay. I think I'd like that. I'm still new to the house, after all."

"Good." Suga smiled, "I'll be sure to make it special."

"So, uh, Yoongi, what is it that you do for the band?" Nari asked curiously, spying his journal, "Do you write the music?"

The boy nodded, "Uh huh. Well, we all take a part in the composition, but I write a lot of the lyrics. I'm a rapper. Suga is my stage name."

"Oh, do the other boys have stage names too? Like J-Hope?"

"Exactly like J-Hope," Suga agreed, "His real name is Hoseok, but we call him Hobi. Taehyung's stage name is V, like victory, and Namjoon's is RM. It used to be Rap Monster but he changed it a while ago."

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