PART ONE: Leaves (이파리)

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Six Years Later...

Once again, Namjoon walked up the concrete stairs to Healing Hearts orphanage with a big smile on his face. After what seemed like an eternity, it was finally time to start the process to bring his little girl home. The picture, now worn and faded with age, never left his wallet. Nari's gentle smile always warmed his heart and he was so excited to start the family he had dreamed of for so long.

But today wasn't just for her. BTS was technically visiting the orphanage as a featured story for a magazine, as news of Namjoon's monthly donations had inevitably reached the press. He wasn't exactly pleased about the publicity, but he made sure that Nari was kept confidential. No one knew about their picture except for him.

Like usual, he was flooded with people as soon as he stepped in the door. Namjoon plastered a big smile on his face as the cameras flashed, but couldn't help but scan the room for the person he was looking for. He caught a glimpse of the window out of the corner of his eye, where a lonely figure sat under a big tree. The boy could feel something drawing him towards the tree. Maybe it was paternal instinct, maybe it was his social anxiety, or maybe just curiosity, but Namjoon started to plan his way out.

He managed to slip out of the doorway, making sure that no cameras followed. The boy gently opened the rusty side gate with a creak, and took in his surroundings. Metal structures that were once painted in vibrant colors stood empty and exhausted all around him. Basketball hoops without nets, distorted monkey bars, and a swing set with chains held together using duct tape, Namjoon didn't know how any kid could really enjoy themselves on this pitiful playground. However, at the end of the courtyard stood a gigantic tree that spread its branches far and wide. A small girl sat cross legged under the shade, reading a book. Namjoon smiled. That had to be Nari, he was sure of it.

The girl looked up, noticing his presence as he made his way over to the tree, and quickly shut the book as she stood up, "Are you going to make me go in?" She asked, her voice trembling slightly.

"Of course not," Namjoon shook his head, "We can stay out here."

She eyed him suspiciously, "Aren't you part of that idol group that's supposed to come today?"

"I mean, yeah, but there's no cameras now. Don't worry." He offered her his hand, "My name is Kim Namjoon. Do you remember me, Nari?"

"Remember you?" The girl's eyes squinted with confusion, "Have we met before?"

The boy's heart sank a little bit, but he didn't let that show, "We met once when you were little," He explained, "Maybe 5 or 6. Sorry for asking, it's probably silly of me to think that you'd remember something like that." He decided not to show her the picture yet. She clearly wasn't as trusting now as she was back then, and the last thing Namjoon wanted was to scare her by getting too close.

"No, it's okay," Nari replied with a shrug, "I don't really remember much from when I was little," She offered a shy handshake, "It's nice to meet you again, Kim Namjoon."

"It's very nice to meet you too, Nari," The boy smiled and accepted her gesture. The years may have gone by, but her hands still were so small compared to his, "Mind if I join you?"

The girl hesitantly agreed, "I guess you can." and sat in the shade, prompting the boy to settle down beside her, leaning against the trunk of the big tree.

"Nari," He began after a moment of silence, "why are you out here? Everyone else is in there, you know."

"I thought you weren't going to make me go in." She replied stubbornly, causing a chuckle to rise in Namjoon's throat. She was just as strong willed as always.

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