Forever (영원히)

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"Y-You look pretty," Namjoon stammered as his red haired companion took a seat on the bar stool next to him, "Thank you for coming!" He could feel his face flush, but couldn't tell if it was from her or the alcohol.

Chelsea tucked a piece of hair behind her ear self consciously, "Thank you, Namjoon. You look very nice as well. I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the concert, I really wish I could have been there."

"It's okay!" The boy said quickly, "You're here now and that's all that matters."

"And thank god for that," She replied with a sigh, "The cram school kids were driving me crazy today. Hey! Bartender! Two shots of tequila, please." A pair of shot glasses slid across the table and the woman handed one to him and raised hers for a toast, "To adult activities."

Namjoon laughed, eagerly clinking his glass with hers before drinking, "To adult activities."

"God damn!" Chelsea wheezed, slamming her empty shot glass on the counter, "It's always the first one that gets me. Hey! Can I get a beer please?"

"So I take it you can hold your alcohol?"

The woman cracked open the lid to the bottle that was now in her possession, "Nope!" She said with confidence and took a long sip, "I can tell though that you've already had a few drinks, your face is super red."

"Oh, sorry," Namjoon replied and took another swig from the drink he ordered a bit ago, trying to hide his embarrassment, "I didn't know that it was rude to Americans to start drinking before them, I apologize."

"It's not rude, you dummy," Chelsea laughed and placed a hand on his knee, "And you don't have to apologize, I think it's cute." She smiled brightly, making his heart flutter, "I actually think that you're very cute, Kim Namjoon. I like your kindness and I like your passion and your dimples, which are cute as hell by the way, and-you know what? Fuck it." The woman leaned closer and connected her lips with his in a very tipsy, but heartfelt kiss.

"And I like the way that your lips taste like strawberries and beer," Namjoon finished, gently pulling away, "Do you believe in love at first sight?"

She laughed, "I'm not sure. But I do believe in you. And hey, we don't have to stay here all night, you know. There's a park a couple blocks from here with a great stargazing hill and I've always had this manic pixie dream girl-esque fantasy of sharing it with someone special and a bottle of champagne."

"I love it." Namjoon immediately responded, pulling out his wallet, "Hey, bartender! I want two glasses and a bottle of the best stuff you got," He threw several large bills on the counter before leaning in for another kiss, "And I believe in you too, Chelsea Bradley."


Namjoon pressed the small buttons on the electronic lock to the penthouse, swearing softly as he cursed his butter fingers as a result of the alcohol. After a few tries the door finally opened and he stepped into the luxurious apartment. He felt the walls for a light switch, but thought better of it and turned on the flashlight to his phone instead, which was on 7 percent. Undeterred by the low battery, he set off in search of Nari and his bandmates.

The boy wandered down hallways and through rooms until he found a door slightly ajar, with soft snoring coming from the other side. Namjoon felt his phone buzz and turn off in his hand, but didn't mind because the light emanating from the windows lit the room in a tranquil glow. The outlines of three slumbering figures on one bed made him smile.

He slid into the room, careful to avoid bumping into anything. The moonlight shone gently on their faces. Nari slept like she always did, curled into the smallest shape possible with her hands tucked neatly under her little chin. Namjoon crouched to the level of the bed and gently brushed a piece of hair behind the girl's ear, chuckling as her nose scrunched as a subconscious response.

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