Growing Pains (고통 스러움)

Start from the beginning

"Well, I'll continue making music of course, " He answered thoughtfully, "I can't see myself doing anything else, honestly. Maybe I'll form my own record label or something like that. I'll probably have to stay in Seoul, so we'll never be far from eachother, don't worry."

"And are you going to get married? Will you start a family?"

Suga smiled, "Maybe. Like I said a couple days ago, it's not a priority. I know that I'll find my person when the time is right. I'm not going to think about having kids until then either." He chuckled and kissed her head, "Besides, I've got my hands full with you already. I'll have to keep a closer eye on you, lovely, or you'll come home one day with 10 piercings and a whole sleeve of tattoos."

"So mean," The girl pouted, "You told me that you liked my hair!"

"I do, I swear I do," He laughed, "But I offered to dye your hair a couple months before we left, you could have done it then."

Nari shook her head, "Nah. I didn't want to then. I didn't feel like I do now, you know?"

"Ah, I see," The boy answered, "You just needed a little inspiration. I really do like the new look, by the way. When you're older I'll take you to a couple punk shows back in Korea. It's more of an underground scene there, so it's too dangerous now 'cause you're little, but when in a couple years I'll make sure that we go."

"You're the best, Shu-ger."

Nari cuddled deeper into his embrace and let out a yawn as Suga started the movie. He protectively rested his chin on the top of her head, feeling completely at ease as he felt her soft breath against the loose fabric of his shirt. She would fall asleep soon. Just like Namjoon, the girl could fall asleep anywhere as long as she felt safe; and in his arms was the safest place of all.

Lovely Nari, you've grown up so fast, Suga pondered, It feels last week we were sitting at the kitchen table in the middle of the night talking about omurice, and just a few days ago was when we cried together on one of the darkest days of your life. But you're so big now. You've had your first kiss and you're exploring a whole new kind of love. You're starting to leave my arms and go into someone else's.

He subconsciously held her tighter, Sometimes I feel so conflicted about you, Nari. I want you to make your own way into the world, I want you to find love and make new friends and do the things that make you happy. I want you to become the beautiful person that you are meant to be. I'll be so proud of you...but I know that the more you grow up, the closer the day comes where you won't need me anymore. You won't need me to hold you like this when you're sad, read to you before bed, or protect you from all the evils in this world. You won't need a prince because you'll be able to save yourself. Suga gently kissed her head, I know it's selfish of me, and I hate myself for even thinking it, but sometimes I wish that you could just stay little so I'd never have to let you go.

"Shu-ger, what's wrong?" Nari looked up at him with sleepy eyes, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, don't worry," Suga let out a deep breath that he didn't even know he was holding, "Just thinking about how much you've grown up, that's all."

The girl laughed and closed her eyes, laying her head back against his chest, "Don't be silly, Shu-ger. I'm never growing up. You're going to be my prince forever and ever."

"If you say so, lovely," He chuckled, "Nari, you should get to sleep. I can tell that you're tired."

"But what about the movie?"

"It's okay, I'll leave it on. I think that I'll be up for a little while longer anyway."

She nodded and let out another yawn, "Okay. Don't stay up too late, okay? It's not good for you." Little hands cautiously held his shirt a bit tighter, "And don't leave. I want to cuddle with you for tonight. Please."

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