I didn't want to make her sign papers saying that she wouldn't tell anybody, and I obviously didn't know her well enough to trust her. 

Niall looked at me through his sunglasses and scarf. 

"He's the father," I said. "This is a secret, you can't tell anybody, not your kids or your husband or anybody about anything that you see today." The last part was directed at the nurse, and she looked a bit intimidated. 

"What do you want to keep quiet, money or something?" Niall asked.

"I'm sorry, I was just asking who the father was," she said. "I don't see why it's such a big deal."

Niall took off his sunglasses and the scarf I lended to him and took the pen from the nurse to sign his name. I don't think that the nurse recognized Niall at first, but she did look at him like he was familiar.

The nurse sighed. "I don't want money. I won't tell anybody."

I looked at Niall and he looked at me back nervously. Then, I turned and looked back at the nurse. 

"I'm really sorry for lashing out, but this is very important. We do have the right to take legal action against you ad your company if you say anything," I said. I was actually pretty sure that we had no right to do that, but it sounded good. 

"I don't intend on telling anybody," she said. I was still pretty sure that she didn't know exactly who he was, but I just needed to know that she could keep a secret. 

"Let's resume with the appointment, then," I said. I may have scared the nurse a bit, because she remained tense while she asked me to step on the scale. She recorded my weight and then led us into the ultrasound room. 

Niall sat in a chair, and I lay on my back on an examination table.

"How many weeks are you?" The nurse asked while setting up the machine. 

"Almost eleven," I replied. 

I had decided on the wand-in-the-vagina method, for it seemed more accurate at this point in my pregnancy. I was very uncomfortable. Niall was probably more uncomfortable. 

"The point of this is for the wand to send high-frequency sound waves into your body that reflect off of internal structures. The echos are received by the transducer and transformed into the images you will see on this screen."

I looked at Niall and he looked like he was going to throw up. 

Once everything was working properly, I saw some contours on the screen. Niall's hand went over his mouth and he sat back in his chair. 

The image was adjusted, and then we were looking at a fetus.

"Holy shit," Niall said. I was too busy smiling to say anything. I laughed a bit out of awkwardness. 

"That's your baby as of right now," the doctor said. I put my hand on my forehead, it was unbelievable. I knew I was having a baby, but to actually see it was a whole different thing. "There's only one."

That was a relief. 

"Do you want to hear his or her heartbeat?" The doctor asked. 

We nodded, and then heard a thumping sound. I looked at Niall, and he looked extremely overwhelmed. I told him to come over to me and hold my hand. He was shaking.

"It's okay," I said to him. His eyes were wide and scared, but the more I held his hand, he started to relax. 

"Do you want me to print off some pictures of your ultrasound?" The doctor asked when all of the tests were over. It only took about a half an hour, but it was amazing to know that my baby was healthy and simply existing right now.

"That would be great!" I said, and the doctor left the room. I sat in a chair next to Niall and put my hand in the back of his hair. "How are you?"

"That was real," he said. I nodded. 

"Are you excited?" I asked, because I sure was.

"It was a lot to take in," he began. "But I am very excited." He unfroze and looked at me. I smiled. 

The doctor came back into the room with a folder of multiple copies of the ultrasound. 

"Thank you so much," I said, taking the folder. Niall also thanked the nurse.

"I have no business to say anything, but I look forward to seeing you for your next appointment," the nurse responded.

"Before you go, can you take a picture of us holding the ultrasound?" I asked. She said yes, and I handed her my phone. I took a picture of the ultrasound and held it over my stomach. Niall stood behind me and put an arm around me. 

"I took a few," she said. 

"Thank you," I said, and looked at the picture. 

"The beautiful Horan family!" Niall said. I was taken aback by his response, he had just implied that I was a Horan too. 

She held the door open for us as we left. Niall bundled up again, and I couldn't help but laugh because he looked so weird. 

We drove back to my apartment and nobody even noticed Niall. The day was going better than I had expected, with all the risks we were taking.

When we got home, we cuddled on my couch and looked at the pictures close up. 

"We are going to make an adorable family," Niall said, and kissed the top of my head. 

"Yes we are," I agreed. 

"I think that we should give a copy to your mom, my mom and step dad, and my dad. Maybe we can just email or text digital copies to your friends and my band mates," Niall added.

I took out my phone and sent Perrie, Lou, and Katie a text with the picture of us with the ultrasound, and Niall texted who he needed to. It wasn't long that I got texts saying how cute the picture was. 

"I'm really sorry for how I acted in the hospital. I was just really overwhelmed," Niall said. "No matter how I act, I will always be so happy that we're having a baby." It was nice to hear him say that, because there were times when I felt like he wasn't as excited as I was, or he regretted ever hooking up. Just to have closure that he was happy made me feel more confident.

"It's fine. We all register this emotion in different ways. As long as you're happy," I said.

"I am overjoyed," he said, and that's all I needed to hear. "This is the best birthday ever."


Happy update day woo

I reached ONE THOUSAND reads. That's crazy and a little weird but I'm glad people are enjoying this story as much as I am. 

I hope you can stay with me as I update more and more(:


anyway thank you again for all of your votes, comments, and reads (:

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