"oh she's beautiful," melanie says.

"i know," i agree. "and she's all mine."

melanies pov

just talking about his girlfriend made him soft. i don't know why but a part of me was disappointed to find out he had a girlfriend.

"you don't seem like the girlfriend type," i tell mattia.

"i wasnt," he says.

"he was with a different girl every night," alejandro tells me.

"yeah," kairi adds, "now he wants to be with same one the for rest of his life."

"you guys are gonna make me late to the auction," mattia rolls his eyes. "i'll see y'all later. bye."

we wave to him.

"so he's in love with her?" i ask kairi and alejandro.

"if there was a word stronger than love, it'd be that word," kairi mumbles.

"oh," i utter. "okay."

mattia's pov

"mr polibio, welcome to the auction. here's your sign."

the worker hands me a sign with the number 75 on it.

"thank you," i tell him. 

the auction was starting soon so i sat down and waited.

"mattia?" i hear a voice say.

"mariano, hey," i shake his hand. "what're you doing here?"

he takes a seat next to me. "same as you i assume. bidding on stuff."

"what do you have your eye on?" i ask. 

"the diamond necklace everyone's talking about," he answers.

i chuckle. "looks like you're up against me."

mariano looks at me. "well that's unfortunate... isn't it?"

"why do you need the necklace?"

"for a birthday present," mar answers. "and you?"

"same here." i grit my teeth. "for my girlfriend. i'm sure you know her. y/n?" i say sarcastically. "who are you giving it to?"

"your girlfriend. i'm sure you know her. y/n?" mariano mocks me.

i scoff. "you wanna give my girlfriend a diamond necklace. you know how that looks right?"

he sighs. "with all due respect, mattia— does it look like i care?" i glare at him. "well may the best man win.."

i sit back against my chair. "i already won, she's my girlfriend."


"up next is the diamond necklace that has everyone all worked up," the announcer announces. "now.. do i hear an offer?

"$1000," mariano raises his sign.

"do i hear $2000?"

"$3000." i raise up my sign.

"wow $3000," the announcer says, shocked. "do i hear $4000?"

"$5000," marino says.

"do i hear $6000?"

someone in the back raised his sign. "$6000."

"do i hear $7000?"

"$7000," i repeat.

mariano glares at me. "i can do this all day."

"so can i," i answer.

the announcer speaks again, "do i hear $8000?"

"$10,000," mariano shouts.

everyone starts ooing.

"wow $10,000, do i hear any higher bids?"

"$12,000," i say. i turn to mariano, "if she's my girlfriend then i'm buying it."

marino sighs. "fine, you can have it."

i smirk.

"going once? going twice?" the announcer double checks. "sold to the gentleman in the front. number 75."

"thank you marino," i say with a hint of sarcasm.

"you're welcome mattia," mariano replies with the same energy.

i go up and retrieve the necklace they put in a jewelry box. i can't wait to give this to her.


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