"I'm really sorry about everything I said today, big news always makes me awkward. But congrats," Zayn added. 

"Don't worry about it. And I would love to spend some time with your girlfriends to see how they deal with hate and dating a member of a busy boy band. Do you think maybe you could also let them know about everything, and we can meet?" I asked.

Liam said that he could text Sophia, Zayn would ask Perrie, and Louis would talk to Eleanor. It made me a bit more comfortable to know that I could get advice from girls who were experiencing a similar relationship. Minus the pregnancy.

"Again, you can't tell anybody else. We are still trying to figure things out ourselves. We have no idea how this is going to work, but it is," Niall added. "I promise that I will try my best to not let it interfere with the band."

"Niall, it's understandable if you need to miss some stuff to go to the doctors or something. When the baby's born, we're going to need to take a bit of a break. There are times when you're going to need to be there for Alyssa and your baby, so take it easy," Liam said.

The other boys nodded in agreement. Niall looked at me and smiled. I couldn't take his teasing, so I planted a kiss on his lips in front of everybody, as if sealing the deal.

"You are the best uncles a baby could ask for," I laughed.

"And you two will be the best parents," Harry said. As much as people kept telling me that, there was always doubt. How could we even be parents? We were so young and he was so busy. As much as I wanted to make it all go smoothly, I knew there would be complications.

"Group hug!" Niall shouted, and suddenly I was surrounded by five boys. I couldn't help from laughing.

"Okay, let's head to the venue, it's the last show in New Jersey," Louis said, taking control. There were a few shouts of excitement, and we all filed out of the room. They went to the venue in their van, and I was able to ride with the crew. Even though I wasn't actually doing anything that was crew-worthy, or getting paid, it was cool to be a pretend crew member.

Niall explained to Lou Teasdale that I was a friend of his, and that we didn't want to be seen together because of the fact that media would probably see us and assume things. There were no questions asked.

Lou turned on her phone in the van to check the time and I admired her background. "That's so cute, your background," I said. It was a collage of different pictures of her and Lux, and some pictures of when she was pregnant.

"Thanks. I liked to take a lot of pictures," she responded. I looked at my stomach. Although it was small now, it wouldn't be soon. I would want to see my progress as I grew bigger. I smiled to myself, because I had a great idea. 

It was the solution to how to tell the fans about me and the baby, and made it special to Niall and me. I was the type of person who hated keeping secrets, and I know Niall did too. As of right now, there were way too many big secrets. 

When the baby was a few months old, Niall could make a livestream introducing me and the baby. That way, I could get a chance to talk and stand up for myself and the baby. The fans could see how in love we are. Along the way of my pregnancy and our relationship, we could take a ton of pictures of not just my stomach's growth, but our relationship's growth. 

By showing the pictures, we would be showing that we don't want to keep any more secrets, and we would be showing that we really care about each other, and that we weren't just screw-ups. I was so excited about the plan, and I hoped that Niall would support it.

When we arrived at the venue, the boys went right into hair and wardrobe to deal with the remaining press and get ready for the show. 

"Do you want to try and fix Niall's hair?" Lou asked. 

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