(Chapter 82) Annie

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"Byakuya Kuchiki. You know we can't allow this to continue any further."

The black haired man, raised his eyes towards the elder man. The darkened room full of unknown  people to the world, seeing their eyes on him, already aware that they wanted his family to be shamed, that they expected a scandal because of his sister, fire adding up to the silence and eager looks in other men and women, waiting on the young leader to give his decision his words his everything.

"So what will it be young Kuchiki?"

The female voice said, yellow eyes finding his, a man with long nails and white black skin eyeing him, a black haired woman next to him waiting on his words, fear in her, silence, holding her sword trying to be at ease, but that was a hard task.

She didn't feel a pain, but the man that was in possession of her was terrifying. 

"I will take care of it. But none of you will interfere."

"As the young master wishes."

With that he disappeared, leaving the crowd speechless but they weren't completely satisfied nor they had hope that the young master Kuchiki would bring the results they asked of him. Even though he was a strong man, he still lacked the leadership the old man had.


The high pitched voice said, inviting woman to come further.

"Yes master?"

The older man, giving a look to the black white skinned man and then to his servant, decided to give her a task.

"You will follow Kuchiki. But by all means, don't let young boy feel your presence."

"As you wish."

With that the woman walked towards her master, Mayuri was the name, his yellow eyes giving her a glare, but then a smile with certain satisfaction to it.

"Make me proud Nemu. And take this."

Small pills in his hand, giving him a nod before disappearing .

*Beep* *Beep*



Blonde haired man's eyes widened, taking the phone from the girl and throwing it away, destroying it in the process.

"They've followed you."

"I had no choice though. If I didn't had the phone then the orders wouldn't..."

"It was the risk, but what will you do?"

Raising his eyebrow, looking towards the blue eyed girl, he didn't want her to go and...

"I will wait here for them. I've already committed a crime and I am well aware of it. So Urahara. All I ask is not to tell it to Kurosaki and others. "

"You did made him one of yours."

She shifted in place, looking at the phone that was on the ground already broken, her excuse to do her real job was destroyed now and probably chances to see her boyfriend again.

"Remember that night?"

The girl sighed pinching her nose, knowing what she did when she transfer to the school, when she met the boy, but she wasn't expecting of him to actually .... become a real thing and to actually help her out.

"It wasn't part of my plan."

"He won't agree on you being dragged away. He will fight."

"He won't. What he doesn't know will not affect him. That's why, you are not going to tell him nor Renji."

"Alright. It's your decision Kuchiki."


She walked out closing the door, it was an old japanese house, partly shop to which she came a lot, not seeing the eyes behind her, but she knew that this old bastard wasn't going to just let it go.

"I don't think you deserve this punishment. Kuchiki Rukia."


Feeling the cold floor, her purple hair sprawled all around, finding the red haired male on top of her with a big sigh and embarrassment she tried to keep her cool but then she looked away cursing on her damn legs that tripped on something that didn't even existed, blushing madly when he tried to keep her not to fall but both ended up on the ground.


"....well fuck I am sorry Annie."

Renji apologized getting up and giving her a helping hand, dusting his pants off in the process, seeing Sae rushing to help both of them since it seems that she changed these days and she was eager to talk with the new friend.

"Are you two alright?!"

She yelled, which surprised Renji, girl was never like this and sudden change in attitude made him doubt her intentions but he decided to answer her like nothing happened.

"Yeah. Just fine."


Sae turned towards Annie.

"Poor girl he is a pervert. I am really sorry! I hope he wont do this again."

She gave him a glare and then pushed the girl with her, really happy with certain facts and knowledge, but also the girl found something really good that would make her plan come true with a help of certain.... friend.

"Um... yeah I am fine..."

Annie replied pushing her hair behind her ear.

"Who are you again?"


"Oh righht... "

"Yup! Nice to meet ya."

Annie raised her eyebrow, she was way too friendly... at least that's how she saw everyone except Grimmjow. She actually thought he was handsome even though his intention was to set her up with Renji, she shrug thought away looking around and deciding to take the broom and clean the shop up.

Sae, smiled and walked with her with intention to help and show her around, taking other broom and smiling like she won million dollars.

"Right.... so  I do this how?"

"It's really not that hard...."

Sae sighed, facepalming herself thinking how this bitch is really slow and stupid but then she continued, she just needs to talk with someone and...

"You are showing her around? I thought Renji would do it."

Harsh words came out, with thoughts forming up in his mind, carrying something from the car the boss ordered him to get, Annie opening door to him and holding them, finding his eyes and then looking away.

"I don't mind Sae showing me around."

Grimmjow gave a woman a glare as if he was warning her not to do something stupid to the girl.

"Don't give me that look asshole. I won't do anything to her."

He ignored her reply.

"Annie. If anything is bothering you, you can either come to Abarai or me."

With that he left, making the girl looking in awe at him.

"Why do you hate him so much Sae?"

"Pft. As if. He isn't worthy of my attention."

"Dunno. He seems like a nice guy."

She rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. How long do you intent to hold the door huh?"

Sae replied walking inside motioning the girl to follow her.

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