(Chapter 74) Inoe?

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Both of them rushed in one of the stores, where he knew that Rukia would for sure go in, she wasn't far away and he was sure that they were already there. Did he miss something?

His phone start ringing making him answer.


"Kurosaki, why the fuck Inoe called me?"


"Yes it's me who else?"

"Grimmjow listen, Rukia and Last name are gone missing, we are searching for them but I don't know! They were close in this area but we can't reach them!"


As Kurosaki's words left his lips, words coming to Grimmjow, him gripping the phone, eyes widened as he was holding the gift he bought for you, giving himself a second to realize what his friend just said. No way... not possible... you were supposed to be safe with Rukia.. what the ...


He yelled at the phone before seeing Renji nodding off, no one saw them in the shop.

"Damn it."

Renji muttered.

Grimmjow was mad. Anger took over him, already blaming himself for not being able to join on you two, not coming earlier just... damn it all...

"We ll search-- through--- the--wn--"

"search--- I suggest both---- of you go back--- Storm is getting---"


The line break.


Grimmjow yelled, putting the phone in his pocket. He was being damn late at the party because he had to buy something for your three months of work, visiting someone as he got the gift, getting off the buss, since he didn't drive car that specific day, why the hell didn't he took the damn car for the fucks sake? why the hell didn't he stay and go with you and Rukia or so?

Damn it all!

He wasn't too far away from the building as he rushed towards the wet streets, walking ahead, trying to avoid the car and sudden rush of water that came upon the streets, people screaming, and then lightning hitting one of the trees not to far away.

He pushed the door of building where Kurosaki lived, getting inside, already wet, seeing people rushing in too, some of them screaming and yelling, children scared, and power off in whole building.

He searched up pictures of you and Rukia on his phone, to his luck he had one where the two of you argued about shoes, deciding to go with his luck and to his surprise his phone was still alive somehow, he yelled at the people that were in the building.

"You people live here right?!"

Some of them nodded and some were there in silence as they searched for their keys.

"Did any of you saw these two girls walking around here?!"

He show his phone and some of the people approached, others deciding that it's none of their business, not caring single bit, worrying about their own, some muttering 'why the fuck they got out in the damn storm and not watch the weather' ' who knows' 'they ll come back' 

"That is Kuchiki right?"

One specific guy mumbled loud enough for Grimmjow to hear him and notice him.

He was probably in his twenties, wearing white shirt with gray pants, giving the nerd aura, had glasses and dark blue hair, on his hand was a bracelet with a cross on it.

"It is. Did you see her?"

He gave it a thought not sure what to say, sure he met her when she was going outside but  by now she would probably be back, since he knew his neighbour she never went to a long shopping, unless that's what he thought...

"No sorry."

"I did."

Other guy said, with weird red mascara around his eyes, bald head, with some kinda of black outfit with chains and black jeans.

"She went out with that girl today."

"Where did she go?"

Grimmjow asked, already getting pissed off since seemed as 'everybody' saw both of you two but none knew did you or did not come back.

"Dunno really man, but I think they are probably gonna get back safe."

He reassured.

"I saw them getting inside."

Older woman said, holding hand of probably what it seemed 8 year old girl with blonde pony tails, wearing green dress.

"Can you tell me did they get upstairs?"

"I wish I could help you, but I don't know... I am sorry..."

She mumbled opening the door of her apartment. 

He nodded muttering thank you, deciding to go up towards Kurosaki's apartment in hope of you being inside.


Voice echoed.


He said as he was at the second floor, going upstairs.

"I tried to tell you that--"

"Kurosaki told me. Where are you headed?"

"To search for them, but I was already upstairs."

She answered.

"There must be something that we missed."

He said, being in thought.


Grimmjow shifted in place sighing.

"Since you are already here, I could use your help.

He offered.

She was bit surprised, playing with her hands.

"Won't you tell me to sit and wait like others did?"

He looked around, each step on the stairs hard enough for him, eager to have you in his embrace, searching for any kinda of clue and then stopped, hearing Inoe's voice, recognizing when she seemed upset, since for him she was like open book, easy to read.

"Would you listen to me if I said so?"

His eyes met hers.

She was looking at him, and then down, not sure what to say, how to react, means that he would tell her to wait too huh?

"No... but... you all see me as..."

"Don't you dare finish that."

His harsh voice said, bit upset because he ain't finding you, taking his phone out and stopping at the 4th floor.

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