(Chapter 81) Renji

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White creature inviting, finding its blue orbs staring at yours, the white sand under your feet, but now you weren't even a human, your body shifted, feeling the claws going under it, white colored ones with gray marks, same eye level with the creature which admired you for a second, but not long enough, a big hand attacking towards both of you only too--

You didn't hear what it said, the ringing tone of the alarm waking you up, hating it, these dreams started happening lot more than usual and that white creature.. it was... 


You mumbled, opening your eyes, remembering that it was new day at work, slowly taking your clothes on and preparing, hating the day already, knowing that yesterday's fight wont be over probably, with hope that Grimmjow will manage to be good and that he wont punch Yammi.

"Watch out..."

Voice echoed, while packing the new set of glasses that arrived he remembered the voice that yelled at him, at least in his dream. Yammi was unusually silent and didn't make any problem, while Grimmjow's silence triggered Rukia, to which she only raised her eyebrow unsure should she even ask about it or leave him alone.

He wasn't quite sure what was going on, but he saw that white creature. Big eyes, but not attacking him, just with some kinda of expectation and yet attracted to it, following, silent, he pushed away the thoughts feeling someone's hand on his shoulder.

"Why did you bring her here?!"

It was an upset voice of Abarai Renji, which didn't find a girlfriend but instead ended up working with a new girl that Grimmjow met at the date game.

"You set this up Grimmjow!"

Grimmjow just gave him a glare, still lost in his thoughts he breathed out walking away from Renji, with paper in his hands writing the products numbers.

"Don't Ignore me YOU--!"

Grimmjow grabbed Renji's hand, making Sae look at both of them, seeing the blue eyed man being pissed off and distracted for the first time ever since she met him, something was going on and she was sure that she could find out.

"First. Don't yell."

Grimmjow replied finding his eyes.

"Second, you need to get over her."

Renji's eyes widened.

"Who told you--"

Grimmjow interrupted him letting his hand go.

"Only the fool wouldn't notice how you feel. But school days are over Renji."

"Inoe told you didn't she?"

"She was worried for her friend. And I am worried too. But since you want to be stubborn fuck I've decided to help you out a bit."


Renji pushed him away walking towards the exit but Grimmjow's words stopped the man.

"I won't push you into relationship with the brat, you can decide on your own, but all I ask is to help little girl out because I don't have time for it."


"He could. But I strictly told boss that you will do this task best, since others are busy helping out with cleaning the store."

"You fucker."

"Is Abarai Renji just a weakling? You can't teach one brat to do simple tasks?"


He walked away closing the door.

"That's what I thought."

When Grimmjow turned around, still looking at the papers he raised his eyebrow noticing the girl in front of him.


Not bothering to look at you he just sighed knowing that you probably heard the conversation that happened moment ago.


You looked away this scene extremely familiar, almost like the dream you've had, the same strength in the eyes, same aura but that was just a damn dream right?

"You talked with the new girl huh?"

He tried to hold the conversation but he was really tired. Something was off and he knew it.

"You mean Annie?"

Sudden touch of your hand on his cheek made him look at you, his eyes full of sadness gripping your hand in his with hope that this touch wont go away, that you will be here with him at least a bit longer, but before you could notice that he was yearning for you and that touch he let go of your hand and moved taking the paper and searching for the certain product, walking ahead.

"Yeah. That purple haired brat."

"Why are you so evil towards her?"

"I am not."



He turned around but you weren't there. When he turned back you were in front of him, his heartbeat fast, fear in him, he was never like this, but ever since that elevator scene happened he wasn't feeling so good he was silent.

You were standing on the box so you could be on his eye level, noticing his worry, cupping his cheek yet again, making him drop the papers in his hands even though he wanted to object, your lips met his, hands behind his neck playing with his hair, feeling that he was stressed out, that something was...


"I love you."

Was your reply.

His eyes looking at yours, still being close, he was sure you knew that he was upset about something but then your reply surprised the man.

"I thought you promised that I will at least meet your grandma."


"I did."

Low pay, New chance        Grimmjow x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now