(Chapter 76) Strong companion

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(Sorry I m late, didn't sleep as much, mostly few days now... can't sleep at all but tired as fuck I ll correct mistakes tomorrow, thank you for reading I ll update tomorrow too) 

He mumbled.

"Sorry Inoe, wait here a second alright?"

He rushed on the 9th floor, he had to make sure of something, seeing whole door of elevator opened, and the wire of the elevator was still there. Meaning that it stuck probably at the 7th floor.

How can he get in?

"Doors are opened here Inoe!"


"Try yelling down or something! Maybe someone is stuck!"

He walked down again, as she yelled.


Her voice echoed, as Grimmjow joined in, having enough space to yell.

"Is anyone there in the damn elevator?!"

Voice echoed.

No answer.





"What in the hell was going on?" His thoughts trailed.

"Why the fuck are you youngsters yelling?! Its hard enough that there is no power and that there is this blasting storm but keep it down will you?!"

Older man got out, and other doors opened to see what was going on.

He was about to give a sassy remark.

"H E L P!"

The voice yelled.


He could've swear that he imagined it, rushing near Inoe and yelling again.


He couldn't recognize voice since it was loud storm. Rukia was yelling, as you were sitting there, being in your own mind, not bothering to look up.

"Your name! Look up! Someone is going to help us!"

You weren't sure how much of the time passed, maybe 2-3 hours since you've got stuck, but you were feeling tired of this damn box, something making your body really heavy, strong pressure like the one you've had when you fell asleep in the couch while Grimmjow was sick.

"It's too early."

"Is it?"

Voices echoed.

"It is."

"Then when?"

"Not yet."

"As you command."

"At least... show our guest. What does it looks like."

"Are you sure that it's smart to do so... since the other girl.. she will surely.. find.."

"Do it."

"....en sama. Will do."

"Don't be scared... just feel...."

"O p e n ..... y o u r .... e y e s ..... as... "

Feeling the sand under your paws, strong emptiness getting slowly in your heart as you wanted to see him. To hug him, to hear his voice, to tease him... to be teased...to feel the warmit... suddenly the emptiness eating your feelings out, forgetting about the purpose, about who were you searching, walking around your body telling you to move, to find it, yet unaware to what is it. 

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