#62 Kai-The Wrong Message

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Dedicated to DevonneRicardo, who requested this(: I hope you'll enjoy this:]


"You may kiss the bride, Tao."

I smiled, and leaned closer to the man opposite me.


I stared blissfully at the pink quartz ring on my finger. Tao and I had been married for six months already, and it was like a dream.

Perfect and sweet.

"Evelyn! I want to have burgers for dinner! Vegetables are yucky!" Tao whined as he burst in from work.

"I ordered pizza! Get yourself a burger if you want one!" I shouted back, lying on the couch.

"Fine. Pizza is nice too."


When the pizza arrived, I was already fainting from hunger. While Tao was paying the pizza guy, I opened the box and swooped at a pizza.

Heaven, I thought as I bit into the soft dough, layered with cheese, tomato, meat and...

"Stop making out with the pizza, Eve. It looks disgusting," Tao remarked, chewing on my slice.

"Gef your owsh!" I mumbled, hitting him playfully, and he dodged away artfully.

We ended up with a very messy kitchen, and tomato sauce on our faces.

"Well, let's clean up." I rolled my sleeves and began wiping the dirty table.

Tao caught my waist in a hug, and bent over. "Your face is dirty, Evelyn."

He stuck his tongue out, and licked the streak on my cheek. "Mm, nice," he grinned, and I laughed.


"But you still love me, don't you?"

"I don't know why I still put up with a kid like you. Must be your cuteness."

"I'm not cute!"

"Sure you aren't, Panda boy."



I stirred my eyes open sleepily. "What's up, Panda boy?"

"You explain this!" he screeched, and I winced.

He threw me his phone, and I read the words on it.



"Look, it was a mistake!"

"If it wasn't meant for me, then who was it for? My name isn't Kai, if you haven't noticed!"

I glared defiantly at Tao, refusing to back down.

"I never imagined, Evelyn. I never."

I'm sorry, Tao. But it's life.

I never loved you at all.


I remembered. I remembered, the day we'd quarreled. He wanted kids, but I didn't.

"Who's going to feed the all howling and pooping kid? Me? You?"

"We can do it together! A kid is fun!"

"Tao, a kid isn't meant to be fun. And you can barely even look after yourself, much less a baby. Look, I'm going out! I'm sick of how mulish you are!"

"I'm not a mule!"

"You're an ass. Get it?"

I slammed the door, and popped over at a friend's house to have a little vent about Tao.

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