#72 Exo-A Kiddy Krismas [Christmas Special]

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"There's someone at the door!" Chanyeol screamed, lying on the sofa.

"Why don't you get it? You're just beside it, you stupid nut," Xiumin muttered, crawling sleepily to receive the callers.

"But you're here already, so that's okay," the ireprissible giant grinned, and Xiumin flung a sock at him. "I'll wrestle you later, Dobi."

"Merry Christmas!" Xiumin gaped dubiously at the bunch of kids at the door.

"Trick or treat?" A little boy in a panda suit warbled up, tugging at Xiumin's hand adorably.

"Chanyeol! Lay! Kai! Sehun! Kris! Just look at this!" Xiumin squawked, flapping his arms like a chicken.

"Aw Mister, I like you,"  one kid giggled, and Xiumin blushed hotly.

"Why did you call us-what the dickens is happening?"

The six men stood frozen at the door, until the boy with reindeer antlers began singing, the rest of them following (the panda being the exception, but he still continued his so called singing anyway).

"Can we come in?"

Xiumin immediately grabbed the kids, and bundled them in.

"Take some candies, and we'll get you all something," he said, his forced grin almost too jovial. "Thank you!" they shrieked, before proceeding to wreck the house, unintentionally of course.

"Oh god, why are they kids?" Kris groaned, glancing at the ensemble of toddlers ruining the sofa, rubbing their sticky fingers everywhere.

Baekhyun, Suho, D.O, Luhan, Tao and Chen were toddlers (not that they weren't before). The vocal line had gone carolling, and Tao had insisted on tagging along (like the kid he was-now literally).

"I'll take Baek, and then you guys grab the others. Kai, you handle D.O. He's a difficult child," Chanyeol ordered, taking charge (what a Miracle in December!).

"Fairy!" Baekhyun giggled, pulling at the sore ears of poor Yeol, who could only try to pry the little hands away.

"Where's Suho??" Lay asked, in the hopeless way only he could manage. The said man was climbing up the curtains, before he let go, clapping his hands happily. Lay stumbled over the carpet idiotically, before the little missile fell on him. "Oh, there you are!"

While Xiumin suffered the same fate as Chanyeol, the little Chen pinching his cheeks and screeching into his ears. Tao ran round the house, till he hit his head on the sofa. "Don't cry! Pandas must be manly!" Kris cooed, doing his best to stop him crying. "Gege!"he gurgled, his tears thankfully gone, squishing Kris' face. "I want a story!"

D.O (labelled as a 'problem child') was sitting quietly, rubbing his face softly in Kai's shirt. "I want a huggy," he whispered, blinking innocently, and Kai fanboyed silently, coddling the wide eyed baby.

Likewise, Luhan was sitting on the floor, sharing a bubble tea with the maknae. "Do you wanna get a bubble tea?" Sehun asked, swinging the child in the air. "Bubble tea! Bubble tea! I want Sehunnie bubble tea!" he crowed, choking up bubble tea on the floor. "I want Sehunnie for Christmas~."

"Oh god, can anyone we just dump the kids somewhere?" Xiumin howled, writhing in pain as Chen tugged his hair.

"No, my problem kid is doing fine,"Kai replied obnoxiously, before Chanyeol protested (with no logic).

"Mine is the cutest! No one can beat Baek!"

"But Tao is a panda. He's cuter."

"Just shut up. I'm the cutest," Xiumin snapped owlishly, and Sehun laughed. "Let's let him assume that. He must be driven demented by Chen, because Luhan is the obviously the cutest."

"I want milk." Suho whimpered, admist the argument over the cutest person in the room.

"I want presents!" Chen wailed, crying into Xiumin's shoulder.

"Okay okay, get the food out, and we'll give presents." Kris ordered, squiggling "Merry Krismas" in fake snow over the glass windows, drawing himself (and Exo, all considerably smaller, in in the intricate style only Kriscasso can manage).

"Burdenless presents!" Sehun and Kai chorused, giggling noisily, as Luhan and D.O sat quietly, the little angels they were.

But in the kitchen sat Tao, an empty chip packet on his head and his face smeared with chocloate...with half buried under wrappers.

But oh well. This is the Kiddy Krismas, celebrated only by Exo.

Exo wishes all an Exotic Krismas:)


A/N: Huhu, the effect of being with toddlers. Noisy kids + weird antics = hopeless story + crazy writings:[ I've been staying at my cousin's house, and her kids are so young. They just about drive me demented (one burst a bag of soya beans on the floor XD and it dug into my feet D: )But they're so cute, and I can totally imagine Exo as kids. Does anyone know where to find a baby Baek? :3 (haha, I've got a lot of Baek chibi as a baby:D) Media is Exo as kids, and December 2014. BUT OH MY BIAS WRECKING CHEN IN THERE IS SO ASDFGHJKL. He's been wrecking my list ever since I joined:P But ack, hope you all have/had a nice Christmas:) Whee, have a nice rest, because school is starting soon (ugh). I feel brackety again:P Vote and comment:)

-Santa Klaus

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