#69 Kyungsoo-White Carnation

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For ohsnapitzclauds;) Hihi, enjoy~


I walked into class with my best friend, and she suddenly clutched on to me. "Oh look, Clauds!" She whispered dramatically, pointing at my desk.

Because a bunch of no less than twelve roses sat on it, wrapped in pink translucent paper.

"You have a valentine, Clauds! Go and see who it's from!"

She gave me an ungodly shove, and I hastily grabbed the bunch of flowers. A pale scent peppered the air, and I grinned as I picked up the card lying beside it.

Beautiful roses for a beautiful girl :)

"Who's D.O?"

"Beats me. Never knew anyone by that name."

As I sat down, I couldn't help a dreamy sigh. This was the nicest Valentine's Day.



"Yea, Kyungsoo?"

"Do you want to go get bubble tea?"

"Just wait for me to get my stuff together," I called, shoving my scores hastily into my bag.

Kyungsoo was president of the choir, and he always nice to be around. His lips was always drawn up in a smile, and he always had an encouraging smile and word for anyone struggling. It was hard not to like a guy of such personality, really.

Except I didn't just like him. I loved him.

At least that was what I thought.

"That's a nice bunch of roses you have. Who gave it to you?"

"O-oh, it was on my desk, with a note from an anonymous guy." Gosh, why was the blush coming on at the wrong time?

"Aw, aren't you cute? Did you like them?"

"Yea. Only I wish I knew who the rose bearer was."

"You do. He's right in front of you."


"Say ah!"

"No. I like feeding myself," I teased, turning my head away.

"Come on! Be a good sport, eh? Please? Open your mouth!" He batted his eyelashes flirtatiously, and I snorted. "What th-"

He swooped the spoon into my mouth and dumped the cake in my mouth. "There! It wasn't too bad, was it?"

"That wasn't nice!" I whined, and slapped a dab of cream on his cheek. "But this is," I grinned, making patterns on his face, before a huge food fight ensued.

And that was just a day in the dating diary of Claudine and Kyungsoo. Or D.O as he liked to call himself.


"Marry me, Claudine, and I'll promise you a lifetime of happiness."

I sniffled at the man in front of me, glancing up earnestly at me.

"Yes. But my lifetime of happiness began when I first saw you."

"Then let's get on with our eternity of joy."


Laughter, jest, and love flew around the marriage. Three hundred and sixty five days since I had married D.O. I grinned as I tore of a page of the calendar on the wall.

"Happy one year, Clauds." D.O's voice suddenly came at my ears, and I felt his arms around my waist.

"Happy one year to you too, Owlish," I teased, leaning back into his embrace.

Was it me, or was his body quivering?


One year, two months, three weeks, four days and twelve hours.

When Kyungsoo finally told me the truth.

He was going to die of kidney failure.

I hadn't believed him when he told me. I didn't want to believe him.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I didn't want to hurt you."

"And you think I'm not hurting right now? That my husband will die in two months? Are you kidding me?"

"If I told you from the start, you'd have been always concerned about my health. I wanted the joy to last. To be real, to be free. It was all for you."

"Oh, Kyungsoo, I'll always love you, no matter what."

This time, I couldn't help the tears that began to gush out, and I could only give him a long hug.

"It's okay, Claud. It always will be."



My voice was a plaintive croak, and I forced a smile.

"When I go, enjoy yourself. Find someone to love. I want you happy, and not alone because of me. Promise me you'll marry if the guy is right."

"But that would be disloyal. I could never find happiness in anyone else, Soo. I love you too much."

"But find happiness in something, in someone else. I want you to be happy. To laugh again. You'll always have my blessings, from my position in heaven. Don't miss me too much." His pale face radiated, and it broke me to see how much he was trying to get his words out.

"Kyungsoo! No!"


"It was what he would have wanted."

"I know it is. I love you, but there's always that little bit of guilt."

"All the more why I love you. You cherish people truly."

I smiled, and let go of the white rose petals in my hand.

"Hey Soo, how are you? I'm married to Jongin now. He comforted me during the year you were gone. You don't know how struck I was then. But he brought out the old me you always saw. I'm happy, Soo. I hope you are too. I'll never forget you. You aren't my last love, but you are my first. I love you, D.O."

As if in reply, the trees shushed gently in the breeze. 'Goody good,' they seemed to whisper.

"Come, Claud, you don't want little Soo in your tummy to cry, do you?"

"No. Let's go home."

Before I left, I placed a white carnation by his stone. His favourite flower. The bud of acceptance. It was my own private message to him. That I had accepted his death, but I wouldn't forget him.



A/N: Truth be told, I rather like the flower series:) They're always fun to write:D I hope this was romantic and sad enough. Ack, how have you guys been doing? Good, I hope. Remember, keep grinning like an idiot, and stay happy (though you're entitled to black patches:p) Hope you all liked it:) Vote and comment!

-Venus the flower (planet, more like xD)

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