#58 Kris-If Only

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Dedicated to ParkSooNam who requested this:) You don't need to be a troll, sister dear. Well, enjoy:D


Cold hands finger the cold stone, and everything is silent. The wind tears through the patch, and through the raven black hair of the female crouched out on the ground. Her hair is dishevelled, but she seems unaware, busy fingering the block in front of her.

A sob can be heard from the cemetry, where everything is grey and bleary from age and weather.

Except for the bright yellow marigolds in the hands of  her sniffling figure.

She sits up abruptly, and places the marigolds on the grave, before her head sinks to her knees.

The memories are back, haunting her like they always do every year she comes to the grave.


Ji Won POV

The events were like a hidden stream in my mind, bursting to life, and the memories began to bubble, filling uo my mind.


"Ji Won! Hurry up!"

I dashed out of my room, and stumbled unsteadily towards the door while pulling a sweater over my head.

"Aish, you're as last minute as ever, Ji Won," Kris laughed, flicking me lightly on the forehead.

I gave him a friendly punch in the arm and followed him out into the car.


"It is predicted that there may be heavy snow later, so please be careful if you are outdoors."

"Perhaps it may be better to turn back, Ji Won. It isn't safe," Kris muttered, looking at the white expanse ahead.

"But it's only predicted! Besides, you promised to bring me mountain climbing, and you're going off tomorrow. Look, it's snowing ever so softly! Nothing bad will happen."

"But-" He didn't say anything for a while. "If things start getting bad, we'll turn back, arraso? I don't want to risk you," he said, turning to face me. His face was serious, and I nodded.

"Yes, Kris."

The uneasy gleam in his eyes made me feel scared like he knew something I didn't.

I ignored it. Maybe it was my imagination.


When we reached our destination, the sun was shining; the day was perfect.

As I stepped out of the car, I found Kris rummaging around in my bag.

"Ji Won, where's your transceiver?" His voice was slightly higher than usual, and I could see beads of sweat forming on his brows.

"Transceiver? I didn't bring it. Why?"

I watched in suck in his breath, and I felt worried. "Is anything wrong?"

He opened his mouth as if to say something, then shut it.

"Nothing's wrong, everything's fine."

As we headed out, Kris strapped his transceiver to me.

"It's for you," he smiled, and he took my hand as we began climbing.


The snow sparkled in the wintry sunlight, and I took a deep breath.

We were only halfway up, but the view was already breathtaking.

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