#43 Xiumin-My Angel Beside Me

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Dedicated to Deltia who requested this:) Seeing her sushi picture makes me happy somehow even as I have exams^^ I'm glad that you request here so much:D Enjoy!


Dell POV

"Dell! Come meet your new neighbour!" my mother yelled, and I toddled down the stairs sulkily. I didn't want to meet the new neighbour, even if he was adorably and amazingly cute as my mother described him. I wobbled over to my mother, and stared at the little boy beside her.

"This is Luhan. Go, you can play together while I make a snack," Mother called as she left for the kitchen. Luhan's hair was a honey brown, glowing gold as the summer rays fell on his hair. He had large eyes, and his little hand was clamped firmly around something.

"Do you want a lollipop, Dell? I wanna be your friend," he burbled, holding out the small candy to me. His eyes held a hopeful expression, yet I detected fear in those brown eyes, like a deer looking at a lion. It beheld something, but I couldn't figure out what.

And somehow, my heart seemed to thaw a little. He was offering ne what seemed like his only lollipop, and I was touched.

"You can keep the lollipop. But we can be friends," I smiled. This boy, seemed different.

"Really? Pinky promise!" He stuck his little finger and I hooked my little finger around his. A promise forever.

And from that day, we were friends. Best friends.

We'd had been best friends. Playing together. Arguing together. Eating together. We did everything together.

That was, until middle school. When he came into my life. Our lives.

"Dell! Come to my home after school? My mum bought cookies!" Luhan called.

I stared at him hesitantly. I didn't want to hurt him, but I had to. I wanted to meet him.

"Luhan, Xiu-xiumin asked me out today," I whispered, dreading his reaction. It was the first time I'd ever rejected him, and I was worried how he would take it. I looked away slightly, wanting to avoid his gaze.

To my surprise, he laughed. He laughed for a few moments, and then he spoke.

"Go then! I hope you'll be fine with him. Have fun!"

I gave my best friend a hug and ran off, glad that he'd taken this well.

But I never realized the tremble in his voice as he spoke.

I never realized how much pain the laugh actually beheld.

And I never saw how much pain there was in the drops that escaped from the big doe eyes of my best friend.

I never knew anything.

Until he told me.

I hummed and headed to Luhan's apartment. We were having a gap year, and I was staying with my boyfriend, Xiumin. As usual, I was visiting him on Wednesdays and we'd talk about anything.

As I twisted the doorknob open, I realised that there was an unnatural silence in the house. Eferything was silent and still. And somehow, my heart stopped beating, stricken with fear.

"Luhan! Luhan!" My voice bounced of the walls, coming as an eerie echo.

I ran frantically around the empty apartment, searching for signs of life.

Nope. The kitchen was empty.

Nope. The toilet was silent.

Nope. The store was deserted.

Where was he?

My legs took me shakily to the bedroom, my hands shaking with every step I took. I prayed silently, hoping nothing was wrong.

But I'd prayed a tad too late. Because the sight of Luhan's body hanging limply from the noose greeted me as I prodded the door open. His eyes were shut, and his mouth was slightly agape, as if he'd frozen as he took his last breath.

I fell to my knees, the hot tears blinding my eyes. But even with my blurry vision, I noticed a letter nearby with an uncapped pen on it.

I grabbed it hesitantly, afraid to see what was in it. I took a deep breath, and opened it up. It would be a clue to Luhan's mysterious act, and something I'd never forget.

Dell, I will be gone when you read this. Don't worry too much, I had nothing to live for anyway. My life was all a fuddle, so I'm leaving now.

You never saw me the way I wanted you to. Do you remember that day when Xiumin asked you out?

You never saw my pain. My heart hurt, because it knew I could never win yours. I've always loved you. Ever since you gave me back my lollipop. I don't know how to say it, but my heart sings everytime you appear.

Sometimes I regret being your best friend. I could've been something more than your friend. I could've been your boyfriend. Your husband.

But I'm glad that I was given the chance to even meet you. You've made my life, Dell. Thank you. I'll be eternally grateful to you, even when I'm gone.

I know you love Xiumin. And I want you to be happy with him. I want to see you happy with the man you love. Promise me Dell. Promise me that you'll marry him. Fufill my last wish. I want you to live a normal married life.

Thank you, for giving me a reason to live. I'll always watch .you. I promise.

-Your angel, Luhan

And I collapsed. Everything went colorless for a while.

I missed Luhan. Terribly. I'd always found myself at his door, ready to run in when I remembered. Luhan was a real angel now.

I would always miss Luhan. I couldn't lie about that.

But Xiumin lessened the pain. He'd make me forget the pain, and remember only the good.

When I met Luhan.

When we played together.

When he told me jokes.

I clung on to those memories. They seemed to stop all the tears that would threaten to spill out. And somehow, Xiumin had the power to make those tears disappear too. The tears would magically vanish at the feel of his hand on my back, or the smile on his face. And I'd find myself smiling, or even laughing.

And here I was now, at the church. With Xiumin beside me. As my husband.

As I walked down the aisle, I had shaken with every step I took. Was I making the right choice? Was Xiumin the right man?

I knew I'd made the right choice as soon I saw Xiumin smiling at me. His hair was perfect, and his smile endearing.

The wedding was simple, just members of our families. And Luhan's too, of course.

After we'd made our vows of everlasting love, we exchanged rings. And then we were officially married. Xiumin had given me a kiss gentle and soft. It'd made my heart flutter, like when I'd first saw him.

We'd gotten married quietly, while I held a bunch of red roses. Luhan's favourite flowers.

And the days were going to become better. I knew they would, with Xiumin beside me. He was my living angel who'd always help me. He would be beside me all the way. He would be my wingless angel. He would be my angel beside me.

While Luhan would watch over me in heaven, with that soft smile on his red lips.


A/N: Hey guys;) The planet is back:D Nah, I was just bored, and writing stories help me channel my boredom into something productive (rather than dying over books XD) Dell, I hope you like it^ You seem to like sad, yea? Apologies if it isn't very Xiumin. I kinda got stuck on Luhan's sad part:p But I'm getting a lot of practice writing sad because of you :D, so I should thank you;) Bye people, I shall have to go camping soon. With my cute books;) Vote and comment!

-Venus the planet in the galaxy:D

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