#37 Tao&Sehun-The Cemetry

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Dedicated to JaneSanWils, or EliseMac2 since you're the same person-.- This is my first time trying out the werewolf kind of story, so forgive the crappy writing and enjoy:)


Ding. The last stroke of twelve rang out eerily, and the air was still, saturated with the scent of death. I'd been dared by my idiotic friend, Park Chanyeol, to come to the cemetry at twelve midnight, and film it. The prideful me would not say no, and I was regretting it as I stood shivering. A sinister chill hung thick in the air, and I shivered involuntarily as goosebumps grew up on my arms.

Shakily, I took out my phone and started filming. I wanted to run away, but I'd already came so far. I went to find the grave of old Father Waterman, as Chanyeol had dared me. Remenbering the story of the ghost, I hesitated. Father Waterman had died in a murder, and it was rumored that his ghost would haunt the country, hunting for his killer that had never been found.

I shuffled uneasily, glancing at the cracked tombstones that lay about. E. Sam Walters. GregorMcNay. The search for Father Waterman was long, and I was tempted to ditch it. As I walked on, a higgledy-piggledy stone caught my eye as it gleamed in the moonlight. I swallowed nervously as I realised that the full moon was a light tint of red. It was a blood moon.

A blood moon. And Old Father Waterman was said to have died when the blood moon was up.

I looked around carefully. "He-here's the grave," I stuttered, sitting beside the stone as Chanyeol had dared me to. I filmed my surroundings, my hand wobbling as I moved my phone round.

A clod of earth hit me and I looked around fearfully. A wrinkled hand was clawing away at the earth, trying to force its way out. My eyes widened at the sight of the deformed hand wriggling like a fish on land. My voice was caught up in fear, and I couldn't utter a word. With a sudden jerk, the hand grabbed my shoe as it freed itself from the suffocating earth that enclosed it.

I kicked away desperately, but its grip was tight, almost unrelenting. "Prepare to die, as I did so many years before," A voice rang out in the cemetry, and my breathing was starting to get clogged up. Desperately, I kicked off my shoe and began running. I didn't know where I was going, but I had to get away fron Father Waterman's grave.

Thud. Bump. Thud. Bump. My footsteps were unsteady, and I was gasping heavily. Thud. Bump. Bam. Bam. Thud. Bump. I heard an unfamiliar sound following me as I ran. Bam. Bam. Bam. Whatever it was, it was gaining on me. I turned around for a moment to see what was following me. The sight that greeted my eyes left the blood draining out of my cheeks. A zombie, with straggly hair, and a tattered white robe, now yellow with age, was stumbling towards me. Its skin was shriveled up, and I could see flakes of skin peeling off ad it ran. I shuddered as I look at its hand, curled up menancingly like claws, stained with dirt and bugs.

Goodbye world. I was never going to make it, with a zombie after me, and fear controlling me. My eyes flew open as  I heard a snap. A wolf had emerged from the shadows. It pounced on the zombie, snapping at the mutated neck. I felt my insides curdle as its head rolled off, and a thick yellow liquid oozed out of its head.

A hand flew towards me, and I screamed. Was the zombie going to throw his body parts at me? A flash of silver streaked past me, and I started. This time, another wolf had appeared, and it dropped the hand down, looking up at me with luminous green eyes. Its teeth glowed in the dark, and I swallowed. I didn't want to deal with wolves, or werewolves as they probably were.

The other werewolf pattered up silently, and they circled me. They were intimidating and scary, but they somehow looked so beautiful, in a haunting way. Their eyes glowed in the dark, and their body, though covered with fur, had an attractive symmetry to them.



I gawped at the two wolves as  they spoke, their voices like growls. In a flash, they had turned to humans. My head was spinning. Meeting a zombie and two shapeshifters weren't probably the most common things ever, I guess.

Tao, was dressed in black. His hair was raven black, his eyes a dark green. A silver necklace glinted against his throat, and he looked like a witch's cat as he observed me wordlessly with those piercing green eyes.

Sehun was dressed in black too, but his hair was whitish blond, his eyes crystal blue. A crucifix lay on his slim throat, and on his face was a haughty smile.

"You will have to give your heart to one of us. Because we both saved you," Sehun whispered. His voice was cold and clear, and my hear felt frozen.

"Choose one of us now. Or you shall be condemned to die on the next blood moon," Tao said. His voice was deep and mysterious, and I shivered at the words.

What was this? Who should I choose? I stared at the both of them. Tao's eyes gleamed back at me, and Sehun's crucifix seemed to wink in the moonlight.

"I-I choose, I choose....."


A/N: Oh huehuehue. Cliffhanger:D Since EliseMac2 requested both, you guys can get a chance to choose who you'd pick. Sexy Tao or Cold Sehun? I don't know who I'd pick though. I hope you guys liked it :) Her fears weren't amplified enough(at least for me) but I think it's okay for a first time:) Somehow I like writing horror now. But I shall not make it too grisly.

Oh, and maybe you guys could check out the one shots of fivehandsomeboys here on Wattpad if you're a Directioner too. They are written by my friends:) Here's the link and mobile no:



So go check it out! :D

And recently, Park Eun Bi of Ladies Code passed away. And now RiSe. Let's pray for her soul, and her members. They've been hit really hard by this, so let's support them. I hope So Jung will beokay. I don't really dare to check updates, because I'm scared that So Jung more may die. Ladies Code, stay strong! We will help you get through! #StayStrongLadiesCode

R.I.P. Eun Bi. 1992-2014. Died 3/9/14
R.I.P RiSe 1991-2014 Died 7/9/14

-Venus the Sombre Author

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