#33 D.O-Dentist

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Dedicated to HiJunette31 who requested this, and even more cute D.Onuts! Enjoy:))


Junette POV

"Junette! Go, you'll be late!" my mother yelled. I groaned and dragged myself out of my room, to find my mother standing outside the door, tapping her foot impatiently. I opened my mouth to protest, but the muderous glare she shot my way silenced me. I pulled on my shoes and headed out of the door. The bright sunlight that encased the earth seemed to mock me, and my mood spiralled down rapidly with every step I took closer to my doom.

A wave of air hit me, and I scrunched up my nose in disgust. The familiar smell was overwhelming, and my stomach lurched in uneasiness. Settling on the hard plastic seat, I began to chew at my thumb. There was a hush in the room, and everybody's face looked the same: pale and white.

"2 more to your turn, Ms Junette," the nurse called, her keyboard clacking away. I gulped audibly, and tried to distract myself. The room was white, and the walls were hung with grim pictures of deformed teeth. My fear of the dentist was reignited and I stared dumbly at my thumbs in a despeeate attempt to forget the situation. The ticking of the clock could be heard in the silent room, and I grew more and more nervous as each second passed. Tick. Tick. Tick. The silence was deafening, and I struggled not to run out of the room.


I walked to the waiting room and looked around. It was fairly empty and something caught my eye as I turned away. A girl with long hair was twiddling her thumbs, her smooth forehead creased in worry. I laughed quietly as I watched her fidget uncomfortably one her chair, before deciding to comfort her. Who would be so afraid of the dentist?

Junette POV

"Hey there," a soft voice called. I looked up in surprise to see a pair of dark brown staring down at me. I raised my eyebrow as I took in his white skin, and the way his heart shaped lips curved into a smile. "You don't need to be scared of the dentist," he said, sticking out his hand. I shook it politely, and looked at him curiously, my fear forgotten for a second. "How do you know the dentist?  I'm Junette, by the way," I offered, shaking the proffered hand. "Kyungsoo, but call me D.O. I should know. I'm his son," he replied, his dazzling grin brightening the room. I laughed, unable to resist his infectious radiance. As I talked to him, the fear within me waned away slowly.

"Junette!" The nurse called and I stood up. "You'll be alright," he whispered, giving me a small hug. I nodded, before hugging him back. Going to the dentist didn't seem so bad anymore, I thought, as I stepped into the dentist's office.


A/N:I know this is atrociously short, and I'm sorry. Junette, I hope you like it still:/ I was busy rushing homework and I realized I had to do this. I'm kinda troubled, because I'm being dogged with homework and the awful careless mistake I made in my bio paper. I'm going to drop my position of a top science student if I continue like this ;-; And I have to redo my art, because my art teacher miraculously lost my work. Goodbye, sleep. Oh well. I shall grin and bear, because the weekend is coming, thank god. I have to rush~I've got Chinese tution later. Bye! Vote and comment!

-Venus the Careless, Careless, Shoot Anonymous;|

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