Author's Note

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  • Dédié à Exotics/Exo-Ls

I don't tend to do Author's Notes a lot (have never really done them eitherXD) But this is unbearable. I'm sorry if it annoys you. It won't be too often, I promise.

You guys probably know why this ridiculous note is popping up. Luhan is leaving. Yes, he's leaving.

This isn't first time someone is leaving SM. It isn't the second time. Or the third time. It's the NTH time.

It all started with DBSK. It ended up with them splitting up. Now there's JYJ and TVXQ. And they were originally one.

Then there came Hangeng. He filed a lawsuit. SM treated him poorly. Long hours, little rest, poor pay. It was then that people realised that SM was bad.

But no one took too much notice. Until Kris filed a surprise lawsuit. It threw the fandom into a frenzy and insults flew. Towards Kris. Towards SM. But mainly Kris. I'm still upset over it, but Kris was never a traitor to me. He never will.

And now Luhan. When the second time his sickness came out, I suspected something was amiss. Likewise many Exo-Ls. I prayed it would never be true. But it came true today.

I despise SM a lot. They may produce top quality artists, but the management is inhumane. Stories about artistes training for years, 20 hours a day, sleeping less than two hours are uncommon when SM is involved. The artistes there are all amazing people. They've bore through all the trainee years, and are still going strong.

SM may have cool concepts, top qualities, but they've got the minds of the 1950s. And I hate it.

It cannot be that all the artistes all like to leave the company. It's mainly the company at fault.

When Kris left, we grew. The meaning of "We Are One" came alive. Now that this has happened, let's show the Lulu the support we've grown to show Kris. Don't bash him. Support him. Cheer him on in whatever he does. Respect his choices.

I'm sad. Exo is only in their 3rd year, and they are sufferring so much. No matter what, I'll stan Exo. Follow them on the journey on growing up. And in my mind, in my heart, Luhan and Kris are still in Exo, like how Jessica will be always in SNSD. Like how Hangeng lives on in Suju. Like how DBSK still exists.

Let's stay strong. We can't afford to break now. Let's show what the 'L' in Exo-L really means. Real love.

" Anyone can give up, but those who fail to give up, they're real fangirls"-Byun Baekhyun

For Exo, for kpop, let's go.

I'll update later in the day.

I have nothing more to say.

OT15 is real.

OT9 is real.

OT12 is forever

We will always be one. Always.

-Venus the Sone, Elf, and Exo-L

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