#41 Chen-Detention[Birthday Special]

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  • Dedicated to Chen, CHENsations, and all Exotics:)

Dedicated to Chen, and Exo-Ls/Exotics, specifically CHENsations! Enjoy:)


I sank my head on the table as the bell rang. Why, why did I have to watch Super Junior the whole night? They'd caused me to oversleep, and got me detention. But watching Eunhyuk get his own punishment and having his armpit hair shaved, was just too hilarious for me to sleep. And Siwon's mustache drawing. And Donghae's failure in talking nonsense. Gosh, the list was too longto state, but one thing was clear. Super Junior was a bunch of boys in men's body, who caused poor fangirls all over the world to suffer detention.

I grabbed my bag and padded out onto the hallway jam packed with students fighting to get out of school, heading straight for the detention room.

When I entered, I found Mdm Tay perched on the chair, giving me her trademark glare as I sidled in. I groaned inwardly as I slid into an empty seat. Of all teachers, why was she here? We'd never been on good terms, but how else could I keep awake in Math if I didn't imitate her? I was always getting presents of extra math from her, and it wasn't amusing for me.

"Do anything funny, and you'll have double detention," she snarled, snapping her fingers.

Her deadly warning squished my temptation to replicate her hilarious expression, and I sighed. Was I the only bad student in the school who had detention? It seemed so. I slumped out on my table and looked pitifully at the clock, willing the hour hand to move to four.

I perked up slightly as the door opened. A boy walked in, and didn't seem bothered to be in detention. I wasn't the only delinquent then. He was too. "Finally. You're here too. The biggest nuisances I've ever taught. And I've taught for 15 years. One a feather-head, and the other a know-it-all-"

"Who probably knows more than you do," I glanced up admiringly at the boy. Boy, was he daring. His tone was polite, and his face serious. He stood respectfully, his hand clasped with his head slightly bowed. From my seat, I could see his mouth twitching slightly, and I knew that he was holding in his laughter. I snickered loudly, wondering what Mdm Tay was going to do.

"There's nothing funny to laugh at, Miss Lim. And you'd better watch that sharp tongue, Mr Kim, before you cut yourself with it. Go get soap and water, and clean the windows. I'll be back later, and you two had better make sure everything is clean. Or else." I raised my eyebrows and sniggered slightly. I wasn't going to bother doing the job properly, and I was sure that the guy wouldn't too.

As soon as the door shut behind Mdm Tay, the boy turned to me. "Hi. I"m Chen. Nice to meet you. What are you in the doghouse for?" he asked, leaning against a desk, his dark eyes fixated on me.

"I'm _____, and I was late for school. Stayed up late last night, and I overslept. Why are you here?" I couldn't help wondering what he did. Seeing his earlier exchange with Mdm Tay, I concluded that he would have done something really bad to get in. Somehow, I liked him even though he seemed like trouble.

He shrugged nonchalantly, and flashed me an impish grin before he answered me. "Not bad. I put a bag of flour on the door and it dropped on her head when she walked in. You should have seen her face. Everyone was laughing, and she was furious. Even though detention sucks, it was worth doing that." I gazed at Chen. He was daring. Much as I'd like to, I'd never dare to prank Mdm Tay like he did. I chuckled slightly as I imagined her outraged face. Really, I would pay to see the flour fall on her, and her face.

"Come on. Let's get the supplies before the witch comes back and gives us double detention," he called, and I headed out to the storeroom with him. We grabbed the soap, buckets and cloths and trudged back to class. So detention was cleaning rooms? I'd always thought it was writing lines or some other awful coporal punishment. Maybe this was worse. I followed him back, and we got to work.

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