#61 Luhan&Xiumin-We Want Your Heart[Part 1]

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Dedicated to KPOPLUV486 who requested this;) I hope it meets your expectations:) Enjoy /(°▼°)\


"Doreen! Ah, you can sit over there!"

I stared up uncertainly at the teacher, who gave me a little shove towards the table empty seat. "There, there! With Xiumin and Luhan! Xiumin's on the left, and Luhan's on the right."

I ran over, and sat down shyly at the seat. "I'm Xiumin, and that's Luhan," the chubby cheeked boy introduced, beaming widely at me.

"Uh, hi. I'm Doreen."

"Come play with us at playtime, Doreen!" the boys chorused, and I nodded.

Was this what mother meant by 'friend'?


"Doreen! Here!" Luhan ran up and tugged at my hand, and I followed him.

Xiumin was sitting at the sandpit, spade in hand. "Over here, Doreen! Look, I found a jewel!"

Jewel? I flung myself into the pit, and tugged at his arm. "Show me!"

He opened his palm up, and revealed a pinkish stone with flecks of white. "Here, have this jewel," he grinned, and I hugged him. "Thank you! You're the best!"


"Class! Gather back!" the teacher called, and we all ran to her.

"Eh, Doreen. Look, I got you a flower," Luhan whispered, nudging me.

He pulled out a purple flower from his back, and placed it carefully in my hair.

"There! It's pretty, isn't it? You always look pretty anyway," he said, giving me his cute smile.

"Thanks, Luhan," I whispered, trying not to muss up my hair.

The flower did look pretty in my hair, I mused. Luhan was right.


"Doreen!" Two voices called out, and I smiled.

"Xiuhan!" I called, grinning at them.

"We're not together!" they complained.

"I'd rather marry Sehun!"

"And I'd rather marry Chen!"

"And that explains why you two hang out together, while Sehun hangs out with bubble tea, and Chen has Keiva? Nice going, Xiuhan."

"Whatever, let's just go. You're getting annoying in old age, Doreen."

"I'll take your bag," Luhan remarked, pulling my bag from my shoulder.

"I'll take your books," Xiumin said, scooping my books from me.

"You two are suspiciously sweet today. Is there anything you're going to wheedle out of me?" I asked.

"How could you say such a thing?" Luhan asked, giving me a look of mock hurt

"Yeah, we're good people! At least I am. Luhan isn't." Xiumin grinned, winking at me.


When we reached the café, we ordered a milkshake each, and settled down at a table.

"Why did you two take Arts? You left me alone in Business Studies," I whined, and Luhan patted my hand.

"You get to see our handsome faces at the end of every week anyway."

I snorted, and flicked a paper at him. That boy was getting more and more self centred, really.


"Doreen? We have something to ask you."

"Hmm? Cash? Books?"

"We want your heart."

"You want me to pluck out my heart??" I shrieked, clutching at my chest. Nononono, I was not an organ seller.

They glanced at each other, and spoke up again. "No, we want your love."

My love?

"The-the-the two of you? Both of you?"


Oh god. This was not a problem to trifle with. I didn't know who to choose. I didn't want to choose.

They were both lovely people, but I had no right to choose any if them.

Because I knew I loved the both of them.

"I-I have to go. We'll talk later. Bye, guys." I grabbed my belongings, and dashed off, shaking Xiumin and Luhan off.

"Doreen! Stay!"

I didn't care. I had to get out right now.

Why, did this have to happen?


I lay in bed and buried my face in my pillow. The events of the afternoon was unforgettable.

"We want your heart."

I banged my head against the pillow and groaned.

"Yah! Why did you two have to ruin all this?" I screamed, whacking the pillow madly.

My phone rang, and I stared blankly at it. This was probably the fifteenth or so call they had made, but I wasn't going to pick up.

I pulled out the battery, and tossed it onto the table.

The pain was real.



I crawled off my bed, and stuck my head out.

"Yes, mother?"

"Wear your best dress today. You'll be meeting your soon-to-be-husband."

My husband?

Then what about Xiumin and Luhan?

"Husband, mother?"

"You're arranged, Doreen. You're arranged."


A/N: And there we go;) Since Doreen wanted a part two, there'll be a continuation:D The plot will thicken:) Quick note on updates-#8 will be edited later, and a book of my random writing is up. Also, Twice Upon A Time's prologue is out, so do head over to check it out!:) Feedback would be much appreciated;) Click the external link to be redirected;)See you there, and have a lovely weekend ahead~ Vote and comment:)

-Venus the Excited;D

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