#3 Baekhyun-You're Mine

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Dedicated to my crazy partner Simin, who's as crazy and happy as Baekhyun, our beloved beagle idol, which is why I love her. Enjoy! :)


I snicker loudly as I watch the cowering figure on the screen. It lets loose a high pitch scream, and I burst out laughing, unable to take it anymore.

I watch as Baekhyun continues his way in the haunted house. Though this is the umpteenth time I have watched it, I still cannot help laughing.

As I continue with the 'comedy', I hear a voice call out to me from the front door.

"Jagi!" Baekhyun stalks into my room and pulls me into a big hug. "What are you watching?" He inches his body towards the computer in an attempt to cover up the screen but I shove him away.

"You shouldn't be watching this! It's too unglamorous to be true!"

"Yea right. Byun Baekhyun is very manly. More like unmanly. Now, Chen is a real man. Not a scream at all."

"Oh nonono. You must not fall for Chen. Because I'm the manliest man. That's right." Baekhyun wears a face of mock horror and distress, and I smirk. Let's make that expression real, I thought.

"Chen is an option. A very good one. Hmmm." Mission accomplished. His face drew into one of genuine horror, and his eyes had widened so much that it was almost inhuman.

"You cannot! Oh, my poor heart will shatter into a million pieces if you do so!" He says, placing his hands on his heart dramatically, and I roll my eyes.

"Why not? It wo-"

My sentence was never finished as Baekhyun drew me into a kiss.

The kiss was full of passion, unlike the light fluttery ones we usually shared. He wrapped his arms around me, and I shivered a little.

He swiped his tongue against my bottom lip and I felt myself melt under his touch. His tongue roamed around in my mouth, and I pulled him closer, my fingers dancing along his spine. We kissed passionately, till he finally pulled away.

"Want to go to Chen anymore?" he whispered, his voice teasing. I shook my head slowly. He was manly. Very manly. I pulled him in closer, and gave him a slight peck.

"Good. Because you're mine."


A/N: [This has been edited on 18/10/14 to a tamer version, because I couldn't help but puke at what I wrote before *.*]

Things got a little awkward, but I hope you all still like it:) I hope ypu enjoyed this, Simin;)

#WeBelieveIn Baekhyun

I hope Baek is ok. Please don't bash him, guys.

-Venus the Crazy:)

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