#46 Lay-My Doctor

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Dedicated to RashaSiwonest, who requested this. Unnie, I hope you're ok:) Stay strong! Enjoy~



"No, you shut up! I'm perfectly fine!"

"God, you're so stubborn,"

"No, I'm just strong-willed. That's perfectly normal."

"You're a mule. I don't know why I love you anyway. Somehow I just do. Now, you get down before I splash this soup on your face. I'm serious. It's upon my existence as a unicorn."

I snorted, but I just lay down obediently. Lay was holding the pot of soup in his hands, and I could actually imagine him pouring it on my face. Though I'd never seen him done it before.

He sighed, then poured a bowl of soup. I reached out to grab it, but he swatted my hand away. "Shush, Rasha.You can't hold a spoon. I'll feed you."

Well. You could probably guess that I had a cold (and this was Lay's fault, actually, because he wanted me to join in his "Water Unicorn" ritual, which seemed to involve too much dancing for my liking, in the rain).

"It's your fault I'm sick anyway," I mumbled as he shoved a spoon of soup in my mouth. He made no reply, only feeding me more soup.

Sulkily, I glared at the window. Outside, the sun was shining, and I could here the gleeful shouting of kids, and the chirps of birds.

And somehow they made me feel only more depressed. I could only lie in bed, while they were free to romp about.

"I want to go out too," I pouted. "It's not fair that I have to rot away in bed!"

Getting up with a cold and then stumbling face first on the floor had certainly improved my mood. Not to mention the wall I'd walked into.

I gulped down the last few spoons of soup and lay against the pillow. Lay was a good boyfriend, but he could be overprotective too.

"Come on, Rasha! We might as well go into the garden now. It might cure you faster."  Lay's words shook me out of my unhappiness. Did he really say that? I could finally go out!

I sat up joyfully but he pushed me down. I stared at him confusedly, and he scooped me up in his arms easily and pattered out to the garden. The trip to the garden was truly was probably one of the best ones in my life, with Lay smiling down at me.

When he reached the garden, he drew out a folded blanket from his pocket with a flourish, and set it down on the grass.

Putting me down carefully, he settled down beside me.

"Getting fresh air is probably an effective way to cure you. Maybe this is a good idea after all."

"And exactly how do you know so, Lay?" I asked, punching him lightly on the shoulders.

"I should know. I'm your doctor!" He retorted, before he began tickling my sides.

And as the sun shone on, I laughed. Maybe laughter was the best medicine. Or fresh air was really curing me.

But I didn't think so.

Zhang Yixing was the best cure for any sickness.


A/N: Slightly crappy:p I'm bushed as I type this, because I went for a mad celebration today. Bubble tea and movies to celebrate the end of exams:D And I'm pretty braindead now, because I lost creativity durong exams. Rasha, I hope it's fine? Keep cheerful, Unnie:D I'm rushing to post this before midnight. A happy birthday to Henry Lau too! Bye, see you all soon! Vote and comment!


-Venus the exams over-ed kid:)

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