#51 Chen-In The Middle of The Night

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Dedicated to the one and only DanceInTheSilverRain, also my favourite Wattpad friend because she wanted fluffiness (so do I actually, after all those emotional onesXD) Enjoy~


"Stay in that room for three days! And young lady, give me that cheek again and I shall deal with you. Now get out of my sight! Hanging out with that boy isn't going to make you any smarter, for a fact."

"Still makes me smarter than you," I muttered, trudging up the stairs.

I slammed the door behind me and locked it up, ignoring the screams of my mother down below.

She had never approved of our relationship, but really, locking me in my bedroom for seeing him was needed. Totally.

I had half a mind to act like Anne Shirley, and go on a hunger strike. But no, I had to get myself (unconditionally too, by the way) married to food.

As I stared at my secret stash of chocolate, and I began calculating how long I could survive without going down to get food. Eight bars of Mars. How long could I last on that?

I flopped down on my bed. Maybe I should just meditate. Save up my energy.

As I crossed my legs and hummed along to nothing, I fell into a light sleep, dreaming of fluffy marshmallow clouds. And gummy bears. That's right, gummy bears were my official vice.

But a knocking noise shook me out of my ungodly state and I growled. I flung open my door drowsily, but no one was there. The hallway was deserted, and I looked round again.


I spun around. No one.


I got mad and flung the window open. So it was the 'in' thing to knock mysteriously at bedroom doors, then disappear like a vampire?


The tap was nowhere to be heard now, but a musical laugh floated up to me. And it sounded very familiar, somehow.

I looked down to see Chen with his hand tucked in his pocket, and he was waving to me enthusiastically. In his hand held a rock, and I groaned.

"Were you throwing stones at my window? If it did shatter, I'd really love to see you face my mom."

He pouted. "You were supposed to be like Juliet and do the balcony scene. You were funny when you began screaming, Keiva. All the ranting about food.  And for your information, I'm very romantic. All the hot guys throw stones at windows anyway. Blow me a kiss!"

That guy was one big blockhead with unrealistic dreams. "I'm grounded for two months, Chen. I can't escape."

"Rapunzel, oh Rapunzel, let down your long, long hair!" Chen fell down on the ground, rolling around like a buffalo and I laughed. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad if I had my personal comedian.

"Wait. Don't move."

I watched as Chen moved back, and charged towards the house. He grabbed the pipe and pulled himself up easily, grabbing the my window pane.

"Do you want to die?! Climbing up two storeys isn't exactly the best way to go." I chewed my lips nervously as I watched Chen climb up. What if he died? It would be my fault, and I wasn't exactly thrilled to watch my boyfriend risk his life to get me.

His head soon appeared at my window, and without warning, he jumped in.

We both fell to the floor with a huge thud, and I shrieked. Have you ever got squashed by a bag of muscles? Then you'd probably know how flat I felt then.

"Get under the bed, you chump! My mom would probably have woken up with that fall, and you don't exactly want to see her mad, do you?"

I shoved him under my bed, ignoring his indignant squeak, and draped my blankets slightly over one side to conceal him. Then I slipped into bed and drew the covers up, pretending to be asleep.

The creaking of the stairs could be heard, and I held my breath as my door was flung open.

Breathe in, breathe out. In, out. Everything was going to be fine. Or so I hoped.

It wouldn't be pretty if my mum found Chen, since she disapproved of him. Which I couldn't exactly blame either. Switching sugar with salt was awful, but putting a lifelike frog in a cooking pot was the last straw.

"I never saw anything in that boy actually. He's probably not human, but a camel anyway." That was what she'd said before our argument had gone full scale.

"KEI-va!" My mother's intial yell turned into a shouted whisper. Maybe she thought I was asleep.

I tried to breathe as evenly as possible, trying to pretend she wasn't there.

I watched as she padded round my bed, before she ripped the covers away.

Damn. The secret was out.

"No food here. It couldn't be her that made that noise. Old age must be getting to me or something."

I stared incredulously as she stalked out, shutting the door after her. She didn't suspect me?

Chen's head popped up from underneath, half covered by my blankets.

"You worry too much. Nothing bad would ever happen with me around," he bragged, and I shoved his shoulder. "Says the idiot who jumped in without saying anything. I absolutely love being a pancake, my dear Chen."

"Well, you should have moved!"

"To quote you, 'Don't move,' "

"Why must you always talk me out?"

I laughed as he plopped himself down sulkily on my bed.

"M'lady, how would you like running away for a night?" he asked, bowing to me.

I stifled my laughter. "My pleasure, your Honor." I slipped my hand into his, and we stepped towards the window.

And as I grabbed the pipe, I smiled.

This was Chen, bringing me on a night adventure.

To be more specific, in the middle of the night.

And the clock struck twelve as we broke into a run.


A/N: IT'S THE OFFICIAL START OF MY HOLIDAYS SO LET'S PARTY OUT. I thinked I've lost touch with fluff after so long, so yea >/<. All clichés in one imagine xD But I hope it was fine:D Three Chens in a row since you guys seem to love him so much. But really, I feel guilty about under published members. *cough cough* So no Chen for a while:o But, an extra cute chibi Chen in the multimedia---> Good luck for your exams, Dancing! I know you can do well, because you are just so cool;) Have a lovely weekend ahead:) Bye! Vote and comment!

-Venus the chibi;)

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