#1 Tao- A Magical Winter

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Dedicated to RashaSiwonest, the first author I followed! Hope you like it!


Kim Mi POV

I trudged along the dull concrete with my best friend Mina bouncing happily beside me. We were walking back home, and she seemed unusually zesty today.

"Kim Mi, Sehun asked me out to the Winter Dance!" Her face was glowing happily, and I smiled. She'd always had a crush on him, and I would be in seventh heaven if I was her too.

"But did Tao ask you out?" Her question pulled me out of my silence. "N-no. He doesn't see me," I whispered.

What were the chances that he would ask me out? Zero. He was a crazily popular guy with girls swooning over him every hour of the day(who wouldn't?). And I was very much the average kid in school.

"I wouldn't be so sure. Look, he's coming this way," Mina's answer came with a saucy wink and I gagged. Perhaps she was a little too optimistic.


I stalked towards her, my heart pounding wildly. The images of her dancing hadn't gotten out of my mind yet, and it'd already been three weeks.

I'd heard that she wasn't invited to go to the Winter Dance. The fact left me half angry, and half glad. Angry that no guy saw the beauty in her, and happy that I still had a chance with her.

"I need to go, Kim Mi. My mother called. See you tomorrow!"

I watched as Mina sped off hastily, before she disappeared.

This was my chance now that she was alone. I straightened my clothes amd bounded towards her.

"Kim Mi, wait up!"

Kim Mi POV

I paused awkwardly as Tao bounded up. I was sure that Mina had ditched me on purpose.

As Tao walked beside me, I looked away silently. I didn't know what to say.

"Do you want to go to the dance with me?"

Finally, the silence was broken. Unfortunately, my mind was broken too.

Because Tao had just asked me out.

"Uh, yeah. That would be great!" I babbled madly.

"Cool. See you at seven on the day of the dance!" he called, before he turned into his house.

I stared dreamily into the distance. Life was made of cotton candy; it was just perfect.

I took out my phone to text Mina.

Fast forward-->

"Looking good!" I stared at myself on the mirror while Mina slid a pin in my hair.

"Tao must be here," I called as a knock rang on the door. "See you at the dance!"

I pattered to the door and pulled it open. There stood Tao, grinning widely at me. He was dressed in a dark blue suit, and his golden hair gleamed in the dim light of the porch.

"You're pretty!" he called cutely, before he dragged me out to his car. My heart felt as if it was going to jump out of my chest. He'd called me pretty, and now he was touching my arm.

I grinned as I looked around his car. Pandas sat along the dashboard, and a huge panda sat in the backseat with a seatbelt buckled over it.

"The panda bears your family members?" I asked jokingly. He did look like a panda somehow, with his black eye rings.

"I just find them cute!" he replied childishly.

When we reached the dance hall, the place was packed with people. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to to dance.

The music was blasting loudly, and we swayed along.

Just then, the song changed to a slow ballad and we danced slowly, in time with the music.

The hall had grown silent, all the couples seemingly lost in their own worlds.

"Min Ji."

I glanced up to see Tao gazing down at me.

"I've loved you since I saw you dancing in school. And I want to ask you something. Would you be my girlfriend?"

My breath was taken away. It was as if Tao had stopped time. Everyone around us faded away and I could only see Tao.

"Yes, Tao. I would," I murmured before he kissed me softly.

Perhaps, this winter was magical.


A/N: This imagine has been edited on [11/10/14]. I hope you guys enjoyed this:D Message me, if you want to request. Who's your bias? Tell me! Vote and comments!

-Venus the Crazy:)

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