#42 D.O-My Cliché Love Story

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Dedicated to PrincessPurple1031, who requested this:) And all D.Onuts, as well as all the poor people out there (especially us Singaporeans) ploughing through an endless sea of exams for the next fortnight or so. Enjoy:)


Eloisa POV

I snuck through the huge crowd in the hallway, trying to make my way to my locker as inconspicuously as possible. I took a deep breath. Maybe, just maybe, I could make it today. My locker was just twenty metres away, and I sprinted towards it desperately, hoping I wouldn't be spotted.

As I placed my hand on the lock, I congratulated myself. I wasn't caught, and that was a record. I began spinning my lock, turning in the numbers. 55-14-Wham. The lock clanged loudly as it hit the metal door, and I swallowed. This wasn't going to go anywhere  good. I shut my eyes and sighed shakily, waiting for the familiar snide voice to ring out. And it did.

"Little Eloisa has reached her locker, hmm? Go on, open your locker. I won't do anything, really, " The voice was soft and taunting, and I felt my insides churn messily. I shifted my body slightly, shielding my locker combination from him as I spun my lock yet again. Shakily, I grabbed my books, and my heart pounded as I anticipated what came next. As I drew out my math book, an orange envelope fell out. I reached down to pick it up, but another hand grabbed it first.

I gulped slightly as I watched D.O open the letter. His face expression changed to something unreadable for a moment, before it went back to his usual look of contempt. Was it shock? If it was, why? Why would he be shocked? I shook my head and willed myself to focus on the current situation.

"Pffffffst." I looked on to see the delicate paper being shred into two.

"Eloisa has a secret admirer. But she won't find the true Prince Charming. Because she's too ugly. See you round, babe," D.O winked saucily before he whisked away. Today wasn't bad, but what was in the paper that D.O tore? I grabbed the paper and placed them together, my eyes skimming anxiously over the content.

Hi Eloisa!

How are you? I hope you're fine:)) I've been seeing you round, and I've finally gotten courage to write to you. Would you meet me on the school porch at 3 today after school? Do it for me:> I like you a lot<3

XOXO, Me;)

I grinned as I read the cute letter, and my eyes settled on the small drawing of me. It depicted a girl dancing and waving. It wasn't very pretty, but I found it touching and cute. It instantly made my day as soon as I saw it. Gawsh, this guy was so adorable. Who was he?

Mysterious;) POV

I peeked out from the corner, and watched as Eloisa read the paper and grinned. The bell rang, and my eyes followed the slim figure rushing into the distance. I headed off to class too, Eloisa still in my mind.

Eloisa POV

I smiled secretly to myself, and my eyes wandered to the letter for the umpteenth time. I read it again, and wondered who the boy could be. The guys in our school didn't seem to go for the quiet type, and I shrugged as I gave up. They were all good looking, but they were all jerks, and D.O was the biggest jerk. Sure, his eyes were beautiful, but who would care for a bully with big eyes? They were just like fishballs stuck onto a pumpkin pie anyway. A rotten pie, at that. Nothing special at all.

I grabbed my bag, and ran towards the porch as soon as the teacher let us out. I slowed down my footsteps as I reached the porch door, and I peeked out slightly, hoping to get a glimpse of my secret admirer first.

I craned my neck desperately, trying to get a better view, but I felt somebody behind me. I whirled around, but not a soul was to be seen. I shrugged it off and stepped out onto the porch. Maybe it was just my imagination.

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