#22 Kai-Attack

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Dedicated to NazMel, who requested this, and KAIotics:)) Credits for the plot go to Annonymous again cos she's a real genius;D I just tweaked it to fit Exo. Btw, this is rated, but only slightly and the first paragraph so you choose if you wanna read or skip the first paragraph. Enjoy~


Nini POV

I groaned as Kai slipped his hand under my shirt. We were sitting on the couch, watching the news. He pulled me closer, kissing me roughly on the lips. I paw at the growing tent in his pants, smirking as he moans.


I was making out with Nini on the couch, but I suddenly heard a rumble from afar. I set my ears to focus on the noise and I stiffened. No. It cannot be. This was to not to happen now. I pulled away from Nini as I realized the impending danger. I must let her escape safely first.

Nini POV

I stared at Kai as he stood up, a crease on his forehead. "Kai? What's wrong?" "Monster Kim Youngmin is back." he muttered, his jaw hardening. I froze to the spot. The last time this Kim Minyoung came, Kris was plucked away from Exoplanet and till this day, Exo hasn't fully recovered from the shock. "I'll take you away. Now." he encased me in his arms and I felt my body break into dust, before teleporting to Venus[A/N:Couldn't resist it>


I whizzed back to Exoplanet and saw my brothers gathering. "Kai. You're just in time. Kim Minyoung is back again, and this time, he's bringing his minions too. Get your swords ready," instructed Suho calmly. I watched as D.O stuck his hand out. We piled our hands on, and gave our war cry. "Exo, fighting! Exo, saranghaja! We are one!"

We sprinted to the battlefield and began slashing our way through Youngmin's sea of minions. I drew my sword furiously, killing all in my path. For Nini, and for Exo, I will win this war. I turned my head to see Chanyeol burning up the minions as Xiumin froze them; Chen giving them shocks and Suho drowning them with water.

Finally, we slashed our way through the minions. We stood together, panting as Lay healed us. "Guys. I feel Youngmin coming. The ground is shaking," D.O announced. We got ready, frowning as we saw Youngmin coming. "Well,well, we've got little Exo here hmm?" he asked, his eyes glowing devilishly. I glared at him, my heart pounding in fear. What did he plan?

"I've got your little girlfriend with me, Kai," his honey sweet voice dripping with evil. I froze as I saw Nini being tied up. She was thrashing wildly, and it hurt me to see her so helpless. "Let go of her," I growled, rage bubbling my insides. Youngmin merely threw back his head and laughed. Anger coursed through my body and I drew my sword, stabbing it into Youngmin's stomach. Exo began joining in. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my head as my world turned black.

Nini POV

I watched in horror as Kai charged towards Youngmin. Exo began fighting too, and I struggled, trying to break free. Lay slipped over and untied me. I looked at Lay gratefully, but fear rippled through my body. Youngmin had hurled a huge stone at Kai's hurt. I gasped in horror as Kai collapsed to the ground like a rag doll. I ran forward, but Lay held me back. "Wait. Youngmin is dying, but if he catches you, he'll heal. I can heal Kai later." he explained. I could only watch tearfully as Exo demolished Youngmin. With a huge surge of fire, Chanyeol killed off Youngmin.

I wobbled over to Kai, who lay on the floor, blood gashing out of his head. Lay closed his eyes and waved his hands over Kai, gradually stopping the trickling blood.

I leaned over Kai. "You won, Kai. Thank you for risking your life to safe me," I whispered, my tears dripping. "Don't cry, I'll be fine. It was all for you," Kai's voice sounded tired as he smiled weakly at me. He wrapped his arms around me, and our lips met, there on the battlefield.


A/N: This was pretty hard to write, because smut, humor, horror and romance was requested together. I know I didn't do some genres, but I hope you liked it. Action like this is a killer for me, cos I suck at describing. I'll improve, I promise. Fantasy is also pretty hard, but it's fun to imagine, so it's okay:) Omg, I went to a concert yesterday, called K-Attack. There were so many songs played, and I loved it! It was by a chinese ochestra. The songs played were:

IU-Good Day

Tara-Roly Poly

Super Junior-Mr simple

CN Blue-Hey You


Gee(During a Hallyu Hall of Fame I)

Eunhae-Oppa oppa(mixed Oppa Gangnam Style)

Ailee-Heaven, You & I, I'll Show You

Park Hyo Shin-Wildflower

Big Bang-The Best of Big Bang(Remix)

Hallyu Hall of Fame-SNSD The Boys, etc

TVXQ/JYJ/DBSK-Always Keep The Faith

(Encore) Hallyu Hall of Fame- WG Nobody, SHINee Dream Girl, Super Junior Sorry Sorry, etc

Go to Youtube and check out NYP K-Attack Finale and type in the song names. I promise you, they are FANTABULOUS. All of us kpoppers were just screaming the lyrics and the conductor, Mr Mike Chiang was CRAZY. I wished you guys could see it live![http://m.youtube.com/results?q=nypco%20mama&sm=1]

Keep smiling →°▼°← Hehe random>

-Venus the on self improvement author who is high on kpop:D

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