#2 Chen-Call Me Maybe

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This is for Chen, our troll. Dedicated to one of my fav authors! Enjoy!


Your POV

"Omo, I have a meeting!" I mumbled to myself as I got ready. I had a meeting later at 12, but the early bird in me decided to set out first, despite it being only 10.

I closed the door and headed for the bus stop nearby. A brown cafe with a sign reading 'Tour Le Jours ' in cursive gleamed invitingly in the sunshine. I glanced at my watch and see that it was still early.

I stepped into the café and a cool rush of air blew in my face. Ordering an iced mocha, I look around at the quiet café.

The aroma of the beverages floated thickly in the air, and I sniffed the air. Tour Le Jours made the best drinks in the country, really.

"Your iced mocha, ma'm. That'll be 4500₩." The worker placed the plastic cup in a paper bag and pushed it towards me.

I zipped open my bag and fished fpr my wallet. But to no avail. My wallet was gone.

Chen POV

The purse lay on the ground, and I dusted it carefully. The woman ahead of me had dropped it. I looked up to chase after her, but she was gone.

There was a café along the street, so I guessed she would be there. I smiled and scribbled something on a paper, then went to find her.

Your POV

I ignored the counter guy as he shot me a judgemental look. I probably did look like a flailing chicken, but I couldn't care less. Not even a single bit.

A tap on my arm magically made my hands drop to my side. I turned around and saw a guy standing behind me. He had brown hair, and his brown eyes glinted mischievously. His had an angular jaw and cheekbones, and he looked somewhat like a camel.

"Here's your purse, Miss. I found it outside," he said, his melodic voice lilting up his face.

"Thank you." I grabbed a 5000₩ note from my purse and gave it to the cashier. "Keep the change."

Gathering my drink and pursed, I thanked the man again. "No problem. Just be careful. See you round," he whispered, patting my shoulder before he left.

I stared at his disappearing figure, and glanced at the ground. A crumpled piece of paper lay on the polished wooden floor, and I picked it up carefully.

Unwrapping it, I stared at the squiggly lines of handwriting.

Here's my number. Call me maybe?


I dialed his number, and laughed. I would see him soon.


A/N: [This was edited on 12/10/14]

Hi guys! I wanted to upload this earlier but Wattpad deleted it, along with some of my plots. Do you like it? I found it cute myself... because Chen is one of my bias;) I have to study soon, for my upcoming Physics exam. Wish me luck! Btw, do check out @Exo-rdinary 1D's page! She writes fabulous one shots for SHINee and Exo:) Bye! Vote and comment!

-Venus the physics lover:))

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