#35 Chanyeol-Carnival

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Dedicated to RinGot7BTS, who requested this! Kekeke, a Chanyeol request at last! Also to all Creepers! Enjoy!


The white clouds sailed across the blue sky, like cotton in a sea of blue. I gazed dreamily at the sky as I imagined myself plucking down the clouds...they looked so much like cotton candy that I was drooling. "Yoo Rin-ah! Palli!" I shook my head drowsily and went to greet my best friend as he flopped down on the bed. "Chanyeol-oppa!" I yelled, hugging him excitedly.

He had been my neighbour since kindergarten, and we gradually became best friends. We'd quibble over the most trivial thing, and argue over food and toys. Now that we were grown up, we were still friends. He hadn't changed much, with his big grin and his childish attitude. Now, he ruffled my hair as we walked out of the door together.

"Yoo Rin! I want to sit the merry-go-round!" he yelled, clapping his hands frantically like a seal. I raised my eyebrows at him, sighing inwardly. We were going to the carnival and he was thinking about the merry-go-round?

Bright colors and rowdy laughter met us as we got to the carnival. He dragged me to the merry-go-round. "Oppa, we're too old! Only little kids are here," I whispered, trying to find an escape route. "But, but," Chanyeol's lip wobbled dangerously as he pouted at me, the glint in his eyes gone. I willed myself not to give in to his act, but found myself saying "Arra! Arra! Don't cry! We'll go!" His face brightened immediately as he swept me up in a huge hug. "I love you, Yoo Rin! Let's go, let's go!" His face was glowing and I hadn't the heart to refuse him.

When it was our turn, the ticket collector shot me a strange look. I shrugged nonchalantly and got up with Chanyeol. There were multi-colored horses waiting to be ridden upon and I headed for a golden one. Strong arms wrapped around my waist and placed me atop the horse, surprising me. "It was my honor, m'lady," Chanyeol grinned as he climbed up behind me. My heart was beating irregularly, and I couldn't breathe properly. Somehow, when Chanyeol lifted me up, I felt a spark in my tummy. Was this, was this love? I shook my head frantically as I stared ahead. No. No. It was unheard of to fall in love with your best friend.

The music started and the horse went round, going up and down. I relaxed and relived my childhood days. It wasn't a bad idea coming here, I thought, as Chanyeol's booming laughter reached my ears. I wobbled precariously as the merry-go-round went faster, but a pair of hands steadied me, pushing me back up. "There! You won't fall anymore!" Chanyeol called cutely as his eyes crinkled up in a cute smile. I smiled back, but my insides felt like a jumble. I began thinking longingly of the end of the ride as Chanyeol placed his hands on my waist for the rest of the ride. I was sweating profusely, in addition to the pain my heart was giving me as it pounded against my ribcage.

I got off thankfully when the music stopped. "Now I see it, you two look so cute together. Young man, you must love your girlfriend a lot," the ahjusshi ticket collector remarked, chuckling lightly. I flushed a deep red as I heard it. "A-ani-" My incomprehensible speech was cut off by Chanyeol. "Thanks, ahjusshi! We get that a lot!" he called, leading me away.

I gaped at him as he looked at me cheerfully. "It's your turn to choose! Where next?" "Cotton candy," I muttered, before he brought me to the cotton candy stall. I tried gathering my messy thoughts as I waited for him to come back. I couldn't avoid the truth, I saw him as something more than a friend. I didn't want his friendship, I wanted his love. But would I risk our friendship confessing to him? It was better being his friend than nothing. Did he love me back? Was he that why he accepted the compliment? My heart lifted a little. Maybe, maybe, I did have a chance after all.

Chanyeol handed me a stick of cotton candy and I accepted it with a small smile. I bit into the fluffy mass of spun sugar, temporarily forgetting everything around me. When I looked up, I found Chanyeol gazing down at me, his eyes serious for once. "What's wrong?" I questioned. It was not like Chanyeol to be serious and silent. I liked the loud and happy-go-lucky giant that I saw everyday and regarded as my best friend.

He bent down and placed his face closer to mine. My breathing quickened as the already familiar thumping of the heart resumed. "Chanyeol? Chanyeol?" I called, alarmed at his strange behaviour. "You've got sugar on your lips, Yoo Rin-ah," he whispered, his deep, husky voice sending shivers down my back and my tummy. He placed his lips on mine, and I felt his warm tongue upon my lips, caressing it softly.

Slowly, slowly, I wrapped my arms around him as his found their way to my waist. His warm, plump lips tasted of cotton candy and I sucked at it, enjoying the faint, sweet taste. When we pulled away, my mind was still reeling from the kiss. I had kissed Chanyeol? A blush crept up my cheeks as I stared apprehensively at my best friend. "Yoo Rin, be my girlfriend?" he asked, the familiar derpy grin back on his face. I nodded back shyly, glancing happily at Chanyeol, before he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. We walked away into the afternoon sunshine, as the fluffy clouds sailed over our heads.


A/N: Hi there! This fluffy story is for Baek Yoo Rin, and I hope you liked it:D I had AMAZING fun writing this, because it was happening in my head. Ah, to have Chanyeol carry you is like winning 50 tickets to TLP. Updates won't be as regular until October, when I can update regularly again. So bear with me through September, and wish me lots of luck. You guys can still request, but they'll take longer than usual, so I hope you all won't mind the slight wait. This year's exams are important, cos they'll determine what subjects and courses I can take next year, and I hope to mantain my Science and Maths grades. I have to study Literature and Geography, so bye for now, readers! Vote and comment!

-Venus the Spectacled Professor xD

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