The Embarrassing Moments Bring Us Closer Part 1

Start from the beginning

The pond was nicely hidden and after yelling to Marshall where I would be, I ran off to scrub myself clean.

After I was done with what was necessary, peeling the dirt away and rinsing off my clothes, I sat awhile until my body was a prune. It was nice to relax and it gave me plenty time to think.

I forgot to call Cake. She'll probably be mad, I thought. When I checked the crystal this morning I found out Gumball and Cake both had tried to call multiple times late last night but Marshall and I were already fast asleep.

I gathered my now clean clothes and tossed them on the nearby grass, stepping slightly out of the water. I tugged my hair to one side and rung the water out of it before turning around.

"Hey Fi I-" Marshall's head was poked out from behind a tree as he called my name.

I shrieked and covered my body as best I could as Marshall stared, his cheeks a deep navy color.

"Marshall Lee!"

"Ohmyglobimsosorryfiididntknow-" his words mumbled together as he quickly turned around and walked away, running his hands rapidly through his hair. I stood shocked for a moment but quickly put my pjs on, leaving my regular clothes to dry.

I walked away from the campsite, ignoring Marshall for the moment. I couldn't go back there so soon, it was too embarrassing. What was he going to say? Would things be weird now? I hope not, I thought to myself.

When I finally worked up enough courage to face Marshall again, this time not butt naked, I walked back to the campsite, slowly but surely.

I looked around silently before I found Marshall laying on his back in his boxers, a view I had gotten used to, staring at the stars. I laid down next to him, his body instantly stiffened as his head darted to look at me. He shifted his whole body, sitting up on his side so that he could see me better.

"Fi I am so sorry it was a complete accident." He rushed, his eyes wide for my answer.

"It's fine." I chuckled, giving him a soft punch in the arm. I didn't want things to be different and I didn't want to hold that against him, it was an accident after all.

"At least you're hot." he winked, sending a tingle and horrible blush throughout my body.

"EEW shut up you perv." I said, giving him a glare which I don't think did anything considering I was blushing like crazy. He let out a deep laugh and moved closer to me, allowing my head to plop down on his chest.



"What were you going to tell me anyway?" I asked, my eyebrows raising.

"Haha, I don't even remember now." he laughed, making my head move slightly on his chest.

I rolled my eyes yet a smile still managed to appear on my face. "Must have been reaaalllll important, then Marsh."

He let out a huff followed by a yawn. "I thought it was at the time."

I let out a content sigh as a comfortable silence fell between us.


"Yeah Fi?"

"I don't think I ever thanked you for coming with me." I said gratefully.

He paused a moment before answering,"You've thanked me a thousand times, Fi." he said, letting out a small laugh.

I looked up to his face which was now inches away from mine. His eyes were focused on the sky but he quickly looked back down at me, his expression becoming much more serious.

"Sorry I'm just really glad you came. You know? Thanks. I don't know what I'd do without you." I whispered, looking into his eyes which glistened back into mine. They were now a much brighter shade of brown, a much more inviting color. My heart skipped a few beats and my toes began to warm, coincidentally making me think about the kiss which happened between the two of us not so long ago.

"I'm glad I came too." he said, smiling, leaning his head down even closer to mine, our eyes glued to each others. Without even noticing it, I stopped breathing.

Our faces moved closer, now centimeters apart. His cold breath pounded against my lips, my warm breath danced on his.

I closed my eyes, my heart pounding which I'm sure Marshall could hear. I smiled as Marshall wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling my body up, now completely pushed onto his.

I knew we were going to kiss and I didn't stop myself.

Before our lips could touch, a beeping rang, letting Gumballs face appear in the pink crystal behind us. I let out a small, surprised shriek before jumping away from Marsh and his half naked body, breathing rapidly.

"I Hope I'm not interrupting anything." Said Gumball worriedly, yet somehow sarcastically, raising an eyebrow to me.

I coughed slightly, "N-no we're fixing to go to sleep." I said, my heart racing."

Marshall studied my face before turning around to look at Gumball, signaling the unfriendly finger before laying back down to stare at the stars. I held in a laugh and kept my eyes on Gumball as he spoke. He asked how I've been and how far we've gotten, the usual check up.

Soon the conversation was over and he told us goodnight(although Marshall didn't respond), his face disappearing from view. I collapsed on my back next to Marshall with a relieved sigh, my heart still racing.

What happened there?

We almost kissed.

We almost globbing kissed.

And I'm not talking about for a game... this was a kiss like... like for real.

Avoiding what had almost happened, Marshall sprung the blanket over the both of us and I curled up next to his body. I've done this many times before but tonight something seemed different.

He seemed different.

Adventures In AAA With Fionna and Marshall Lee [original]Where stories live. Discover now