Could You Give Me A Definition, Please?

Start from the beginning

"Look if you want. I need to finish something before we go to the parts." Pricilla said, flipping through papers and books at her desk which stood in the middle of the room.

I nodded my head and walk towards the closest bookshelf, running my fingers along the broken spines of the books.

"Are these pre-mushroom war?" I asked, trying to read the titles. I was never much of a school person, mostly because Gumball made it so confusing. But, I was defiantly better at reading than math.

"Most are, yes."

I internally gasped with delight. Other humans had made these books. I was touching something another human had touched once. A smile spread on my face as my fingers subconsciously slid a book out from its place.

The cover said Dictionary, a weird name for a book, I thought. I cracked the blue hardcover open, a layer of dust falling on to the ground. The pages were yellowed and most of the corners were black and burned.

"That book defines words so that other books are easier to read." said Pricilla, looking up momentarily, "It helps you understand what something means."

I nodded at her, looking back down at the crinkled pages. "How do I find a word?" I asked, scanning the large words and their meanings. I could barely understand most, but some I knew from Gumball.

"It's by first letter. Whatever the word starts with that's where it'll be."

I was confused for a moment but quickly flipped to the lower half of the book. I didn't know the exact order of the alphabet but I did know where the letter L was.

I was looking for the word love. I wanted to know exactly what it meant. I wanted to know what other humans before me thought it meant.

I flipped through all the words that started with a K and soon was to the L's. I pushed trough a few pages, smiling when I finally found it.

(n) 1: an intense feeling of deep affection.
2: like very much; find pleasure in.

I thought a moment. If this is true then I love a lot of people, even if it is just a little bit. I used to find pleasure in Flame Prince but now when I think about him all I feel is a hurting in my chest. But, I do find pleasure, happiness, smiles, confidence, and passion in Marshall Lee.

I closed the book and replaced it on the shelf along with the others.

"Are you in love, child?" She asked, surprising me with her intense stare. How could she see all the way from her desk?

"I don't really know but my melon heart feels like it."

"I have no idea what a melon heart is, human, but you should go with your feelings."

I nodded, turning slightly around before she caught my attention again.

"I have to apologize for something, human." Pricilla said, stepping in front of her desk and slightly folding her arms. "you almost drowned, correct?"

"I-U-Yes." I nodded slightly while talking and furrowed my eyebrows together.

"That was my doing. I was testing something out. You were a great subject, so thank you. You have an amazing friend in that vampire, whether you realize it or not." she said, looking more behind me than at me.

Before I could say anything or react, Pricilla spoke up again. "Alright." she huffed, folding some papers in half, "let's get this over with human. Follow me outside."

I walked behind her as she slowly blew out her candles and opened the door. We walked silently farther down the hall, turning down multiple other ones before we finally reached a door.

Has she been watching Marshall and I this entire journey? Could she have been the one giving us such good luck? We haven't encountered many monsters the whole trip. What 'experiment' was she testing, anyway? Was it okay to ask?

The door was pushed open and we both walked through, into a garage type space. The lights above flickered on and off slightly as we walked. Ahead of us was a large car size hunk of bolts which I assumed was the engine I needed. Farther down was the odd shape Gumball had drawn on a piece of paper yesterday morning.

"Stand here. This will be done in a moment." Pricilla said as she continued walking. A few words unknown to me slipped from her mouth. With a small finger movement the engine and strange wing shaped part were both as small as my feet.

She bent down gently and picked both of them up, turning around to face me.

"Now that this is finished I can do what I've been waiting to do all this time."

"Excuse me?" I asked, my face automatically scrunching up.

"Come out, vampire. Quit hiding." Pricilla basically shouted, willing her finger in the air once again.

A loud thud came from behind me and I turned around, only to see Marshall fall to the ground.

"Marshall!" I yelled, surprised at his fall and his presence.

"For disobeying my orders you will be punished. Both of you." Pricilla exclaimed, shoving the two spaceship pieces into my hands.

"Wa-" Marshall tried to speak but lost his voice in coughs. I quickly shoved the pieces into my bag, keeping their safety my number one priority right now.

"φορείς διακόπτης δυο σας." Pricilla continued over Marshall's coughs. This time she waved her hands towards Marsh and I, both.

My insides felt heavy and slow. My legs felt tiny under the weights of my body and red spots flashed before my eyes. I couldn't take the weight any longer and I collapsed onto the ground, making sure to land on my stomach so that the spaceship pieces would not be crushed. My head felt like it was spinning and nothing in the room was still anymore; I could puke at any second.

That's when I gave up and closed my eyes, listening to the small chuckles of Pricilla as I drifted off.

Adventures In AAA With Fionna and Marshall Lee [original]Where stories live. Discover now