Ethan - Path coninued (11)

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When we get back to the school, Scarlett screams at me. Like usual.

I'm tired, physically and emotionally. The fall left me with cuts and bruises on my body, and no one was willing to give me any empathy.

I knocked on Ethan's door.

He opened it, and saw the state I was in and was taken by surprise. But I was so exhausted I just fell into his arms, where he just carried me and laid me on the ground a giant the wall, where I sat so he could look at my wounds.

"I should have gone with you." Ethan silently scolds himself, as he fished a couple bandages from his backpack.

He began to cover and seal the open wounds on my arm. I was too tired to speak, and only uttered "Can you see if it's broken?" And I nodded towards my ankle. He immediately went to take my shoe off, where my bruised ankle shown. I winced.

"I don't think it's broken. I just think you may have rolled it pretty bad, you should be okay. Just rest..." I nodded, relieved.

I recovered and sat for the next day, and Ethan was right about my ankle, I just rolled it. But god, did it scare me.


"Now, a moment of silence for Judy and Jay." Lawrence announced at the head of the classroom.

We had started dinner and everyone was silent. It all just felt like a sick joke. Judy was gone, dead or alive. And now, if she really is dead, I can't even hold a proper burial for her. It all just made me sick.

Suddenly, Scarlett got up and stormed off. Nobody stopped her. I guess she was still pretty angry at me.

I looked down at the food on my desk. I wasn't feeling hungry. In fact, I felt so disgusted by the following circumstances I think if I did try to eat I might vomit.

Everyone eats in silence, and it's deafening to me. I feel my tears well up in my throat as I try my best to hold them back. Ethan comes by and puts his hand on my shoulder, but I can't anymore. I get up and I leave, nobody stops me.

I sit in my room. I feel bruised and broken. I look to where Judy usually would lay next to me, and it hurts me even more. I feel empty.

I hear a knock on my door, and I hope it's who I think it is. I walk over and open it, but to my surprise it's Hailey.

"Sorry, I just thought you might want some company."

I'm a little disappointed, but I'm glad at least someone cared that I left.

"No no.. come in." I gestured for her to enter and she followed suit. I closed the door behind her.

"I'm so sorry all of these things are happening. I know Scarlett isn't making things much easier." Hailey quietly continued. I just nodded, not knowing what to say on the matter. "I believe you. I know you loved Judy." I looked away from her prying eyes, if I made eye contact I felt as if I might start to cry again.

"I think this is hers." She reaches out a hand, holding Judy's bracelet. I was taken aback.

"Where did you get this?!" I quickly snatched it from her, baffled.

"I found it on the floor downstairs." She said gently.

I don't know why the hell she would ever be downstairs, she hadn't patrolled down there before she went missing. Something isn't right.

"Thank you." I just replied calmly. I couldn't let Hailey know all of the thoughts racing inside my head.

"Of course." She nodded, and left the room.

I thought of Harry. Was it an outsider? Who even would it be in the group? Ethan and Zion where upstairs when I was attacked, I know Harry would never hurt me.. I don't think Eugene doesn't have the brute strength to overpower anybody like that... Lawrence has been helping me cope with Judy's death every step of the way, even arranging search parties. Could it be Scarlett? No. I don't think Scarlett would ever do anything like I went through, handcuffing me in a classroom.

I keep thinking of Harry. Why does he want it to be a secret? He's so concerned with me all the time. I feel awful for even suspecting him. I have to at least talk to him about this.

I leave my room and wonder the halls until I find him in the storage room. He seemed to be sorting through various cans and packaged goods, counting them up and organizing them.

"Harry-" I start to walk through the doorway of the storage room, but then I hear something settling. I look up, and I find the floorboards above us starting to cave. "Watch out!" I dive and push Harry and I onto the floor back enough that we managed to dodge it.

I get up off of Harry and dust myself off, coughing up sawdust. Harry does the same. I look around and assess the situation.

"Sorry.. I didn't know what else to do." I refer to tackling him to the ground.

"No-no.. I'm glad you did. I don't know what would have happened if you didn't." He shows me a reassuring smile. As I looked at the wreckage, it looked fatal. If I hadn't saved him.. I don't know if he would survive it. It didn't look natural either. The wreckage looked like shrapnel, like sharpened wooden boards and lead pipes.

I guess that rules out Harry for me. But now I was certain that someone in the group was planning all of our deaths. I mean, who else knew Harry was in here?

"Hey! Can someone help us?" Harry meekly yelled, his nature was too gentle to be aggressive. I was so absorbed in my own thinking I hadn't even thought of trying to get out of here yet.

"Hey! Help! Someone get us out of here!" I yelled louder than Harry. I couldn't see past the doorway since the wreckage blocked it, I just hoped someone was hearing us.

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