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WARNING: This book involves boyxboy action if any reader disapproves then please move on to a different story.

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My senior year has been going well. I do light work when it comes to volleyball practice in the sixth period. Next month will be the tryouts for this year's team. Then it'll be the drawing of who would be the team captain and the two junior captains. If another player shows they're better to take team captain, they'll be chosen for the year. And yeah I was last year, but I only was able to play four games until I got injured. I know other teammates remaining on the team showed our coaches just how much they deserve to be team captains this year and it's fine.

"Hey, babydoll," King greeted picking me up today.

"Hi, babe," I pulled him in a kiss, "Can we go get food?"

"Sure," He opened the door letting me inside.

"I want some noodles and teriyaki chicken, sound good to you?" I asked when he got it.

"Yeah, dollface, that's good," He started driving.

"How's the school for you? You started today right?"

"Yeah, it's alright, nothing special," He continued driving.

"You look handsome, baby," I smiled at him.

"That must make you gorgeous, oh wait, you already are," He grinned looking at me.

"Stop," I giggled feeling red.

"How was your day, babe?" He asked putting his hand on my thigh.

"It was good, we got told tryouts are next month which means new team captains,"

"You don't think you'll be chosen again?" He asked glancing at me.

"No, I'm injured and missed like all season last year," I sighed.

"But you're an inspiration, who knows, maybe they'll keep you half the time to finish the part you couldn't do last year. Your doctor said your arm is healing well to play soon,"

"I know, I don't need my sling anymore. But I still can't lift my arm high or move too fast. It gives me so much pain in my shoulder. Doc says it's normal and takes it easy to not inflame it,"

"You're healing, that's what matters, baby boy," he rubbed my knee in a comforting way.

King is right. Even if I don't get to play, it's not what being part of the team is about. I'll still be encouraging and supporting my team. I'll still be with Loa which makes it better. But I want to be team captain and play for my last year of high school!



Did I expect to sleep over at Zean's apartment? No. Did I expect to have kissed him amid my anger and uncertainty? No. Did I expect him to stop me from leaving and kiss me in a way that made every angry emotion fly away? No. Did I expect to wake up in his bed? No. Did I expect to have the pizza, the wings, the snacks, and the beer with him? No. Did I expect to watch my favorite football team's game with him more than my friends? No.

But I did. And in the morning I filled up with embarrassment, awkwardness, and guilt. When I awoke I heard he was in his little sister's room tending to her. I made my getaway. I can't face him for what happened the night before, the nice bond and make-outs. I drove home and was greeted by mom asking me how was the game. I honestly said I don't remember who won because I had one too many beers. But it was because I wasn't watching the game at all. I showered in my room and lay in bed thinking of what I did last night. It was just a pair of lips against mine throughout the night. But those pair of lips was with the man I wanted to hate. Those pair of lips was Zean, who was involved where not only me but my little brother and Hunter almost died of a stupid guy with whatever that guy was to him.

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