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I awoke and boy do I feel hungry. I wish Nurse Rosetta can come in again. She's so pretty. I know, my liking a nurse while I'm a patient is absurd, but it's not like I have a chance with her anyway. Xan went to pick up our little sister since our parents are working. She doesn't really like the hospital atmosphere and I don't blame her, it's filled with sick, and injured, and it makes you sad. I can't wait till I can get out of here it's exhausting. I wish I can be playing football right now but I know I am out for the season, so it's okay.

My stomach was rumbling, with a mind of its own, it was asking for some food. I should beep a nurse than wait. Hopefully, it's time for food. I wonder what time it was, but I couldn't find my phone. I reached over to the controller and I beeped for a nurse. I sighed feeling bad I am interrupting the nurses but I am hungry. After a few moments of waiting, a nurse walked in. It wasn't Nurse Rosetta what a shame, but this one was pretty too.

"You beeped?" She said with a smile and I nodded.

"I was just wondering when will I be able to have food. I'm hungry and I can't go get any, sorry."

"Let me check your chart and see, okay?" I nodded understanding. She walked over and grab the clipboard near the door and looked through the papers. She put it back and looked over at me. "Yup, it's time for you to eat. Would you like to see the menu so you can choose what you'd prefer?"

"Yes please, thank you." She handed me the menu pamphlet.

I skimmed over the options for today's lunch specials. Turkey sandwich and jello with water or apple juice and then carrots and celery on the side, yuck turkey sandwich aren't too appealing. The other option is a slice of pizza. Pizza, is interesting.

"Are you ready?" The nurse asked.

"Yes, ma'am. I'll just have the cheese pizza slice and a glass of water with ice too please." She nodded writing it down.

"Any dessert?" I looked at the menu.

There's jello, chocolate pudding, or a scoop of low-fat vanilla ice cream.

"Hm, I guess I'll take the chocolate pudding, will I be able to have the scoop of ice cream at dinner?"

"Yes, there can be an exception maybe. I'll get your lunch on the way right now."

"Thank you." She walked out of the room and I closed my eyes.

Cheese pizza with chocolate pudding what is wrong with me? I turned the small television on and flipped through a few channels it had. I ended up staying on this movie channel, I don't know what movie was playing but it's the better choice while I wait for my food. I waited about 15 minutes and it finally came, and I had a bonus that came with it. Nurse Rosetta.

"Hi, Honeybee! Looks what's here." She fixed the side table for me and I sat up.

"H-hi." I stuttered already getting butterflies.

"How's my favorite patient doing?"

Favorite patient? I'm her favorite oh boy she's my favorite nurse. I blushed lightly and chuckled.

"I'm good, thank you. How's the beautiful nurse doing?" She smiled and I saw her cheeks go a bit pink. That made me smile, she looked even more beautiful.

"Aw, that's so cute. I am doing just fine."

"You're wearing all pink today." Her uniform was a pink scrub (nurse uniform) I liked her heart one more, it was adorable.

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