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WARNING: This book involves boyxboy action if any reader disapproves then please move on to a different story.

-sexual activity may present

READ with caution, you have been warned

Thank you!




I have been home for a week now. It feels great. My parents want me on bed rest, still can't go back to school although I'm catching up via email. A knock came on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled not leaving my eyes off the screen.

"Hey, Hunt." It was my brother Xander. I stopped typing and closed the laptop putting it on my side.

"What's up?"

"Nothing, just checking up on you. How's school work?"

"It is a lot but I'm getting there. So far I have two C's since my absences and 1 D, two B's those teachers were linnet enough to help save my GPA." He cracked a smile.

"You'll get your precious 4.0 back. You shouldn't have low grades they knew you were in the hospital they shouldn't have entered grades for you for that reason."

"Yeah well, that's school. At least I can make up the work."

"That's good."

"Yeah but I need a break. Mom and Dad won't let me leave this damn bed. I've been cramming all this schoolwork these past three days."

"Well let's go out. Mom and dad are working, and Josie is at school."

"Really? Okay, let's go. Where should we go?" I said pulling the covers off slipping my slides on and getting up slowly. He gave me a hand. He grabbed my phone from the nightstand and handed it to me, I slipped it into my pocket.

"Anywhere that's not too extreme and hectic for you."

"Let's go eat then. I want some french toast."

"You and your french toast." he chuckled handing me my cane and helping me out of my room and down the stairs.

I can walk but I still need a little support. We made it to the front door and he grabbed his keys hanging by the door while opening the front door. We slowly walked to his car and he helped me in after unlocking it. I buckled myself. He came in after getting his phone wallet and locking the house.

"Where are we going to go eat bud?" Xan asked strolling down the street.

"The diner near the hospital where I got those delicious French Toast." I grinned and he nodded with a smile.

He helped me out of the car and into the diner, even though I had my cane for more support. I got looks, a young kid with a cane. A lady walked up to us, the hostess.

"Hi welcome. For how many?"

"Just two."

"Perfect. Follow me." We sat at our booth. "Jamie will be your waiter today. She'll be right with you." She set down to menus and left back to the front.

"I don't need the menu I just need my French Toast," I said with a toothy grin. Xan smiled back and glanced at the menu.

"I, on the other hand, like to try something new." Our waitress, Jamie, came up.

"Hi, good morning. What drinks can I get started for you gentlemen?" She glanced at both of us. She was pretty, black hair slicked back in a ponytail, and green eyes.

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