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WARNING: This book involves boyxboy action if any reader disapproves then please move on to a different story.

READ with caution, you have been warned

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I pulled up in the House driveway, but no one is there, at least I think, maybe Blake. I locked my car and went to the door, I tried opening it and locked it. I got the spare key in its spot and opened the door. I heard a commotion in the kitchen, I went there.

Blake was there, moving a pot and setting another on the stove.

"Hey, Blake, whatcha doing?" He looked at me.

"Aaron? What are you doing here?"

"To get Zean, is Zak coming over?" He blushed, setting a lid on the pot he moved.

"I made us some dinner, I made some extra to feed Zean but since you're getting him, want to take some home?" I shrugged walking in more,

"What is it?"

"Pasta there, the sauce with meatballs there, and I'm steaming some veggies in here," He turned on the burner where he set the pot down.

"Pretty basic," He gave me a look,

"I formed and made those meatballs and sauce, and Zak wanted it,"

"You're cooking for him, must be getting serious?" I leaned against his counter.

"I think so, he's just, he's so amazing, and I got good at signing, at least he tells me so," I smiled.

"So when is he coming?" Blake looked at the time on his oven.

"In 30 minutes or so?"

"Then I came just in time, I'll go get Zean and get out of your hair, make sure to use protection you kids," I teased and he swatted me with the hand towel.

"I am a year older than you, and we haven't been there yet, shut up,"

"Taking it slow, so this is getting serious,"

"Would you get going!" He swatted me again and I laughed.

"I'm going, but is this THE night?"

"Aaron! Get!"

I laughed walked out and unlocked the door Zean was in. Zean sat up from the bed.


"Get up,"

"Um," He said standing up.

"I'm taking you out, let's go,"

"You're taking me out? I wouldn't believe the day would come,"

"Ew, I mean you're free to go you dumbass," He laughed and pulled on his shoes.

"Thanks, Aaron, that's still taking me out though," He walked up to me and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm dropping you off to your niece,"

"Can't I go to my sister?" We were nearing the door and Blake looked at us.

"Are you sure you want me to know where you live now?" Zean rolled his eyes.

"I want to take my sister and have her see Violet, I need to be her brother,"

"Why would you take her to Violet if she's sick, it'll upset her,"

"But," He said and I cut him off,

"She's young too, Zean, it'll scare her and make her upset. I'll take you to your sister but don't put her through that, just be there for her," Zean bit his lip and nodded.

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