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WARNING: This book involves boyxboy action if any reader disapproves then please move on to a different story.

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Sam texted me to come to mom's house with Skye, something important. Skye has been living with me for two years now, I got used to having a child with me. After a few months of having her, I kept wondering if that's how Quinn felt with me, practically raising me. Skylar is now 5, I enrolled her in kindergarten, and the first time did that too, they thought she was my daughter. I texted Sam saying he'll have to wait till Skye gets off from school, which was in a couple of hours.

Mom's house was over an hour away, and no one I know locally could pick her up, since Sam is at mom's already. Quinn lives near there and is dealing with his daughter. She has been in and out of the hospital for two years now, and can't fully go to kindergarten, it breaks my heart. She and Skye are best friends, she loves Violet like a sister, and doesn't see anything wrong with her, that warms my heart. After squashing my hatred towards Aaron, and realizing why I've acted like I did, hearing the truth from Quinn, I turned my life around, and saved Skye for the better -or better yet, she saved me.

It took 3 months after taking Skye away from my mom for her to go to rehab for the drinking problem she began when our dad left her for his precious other sons. I still want to see them, beat their ass, and beat my dad's ass for screwing us all over and abandoning Skylar. Thankfully, I landed a stable job so I could have a stable income to provide for Skye for the past couple of years. I was given the position of development coordinator, heaven knows why.

I was at the office, time to get off, go home, clean, and pick up Skylar and start driving to our mom's. I collected my things, putting them in my briefcase bag. I can't look at these papers trying to organize this next event anymore. I logged off my computer when a knock came on my door and it opened. There stood my so-called father.

"Get out," I said turning off the computer.

"Now, is that a nice way to greet me?" He said closing the door and walking in more.

"You're nothing to me or any other of us, why are you here? How did you even find me?" I stared at him.

"Such hatred, I've never done anything to you,"

"You did everything, you bastard," I stood up, staring at him with hate. "You weren't my father growing up, you abandoned your daughter, threw your wife like nothing, and chose your fucking two pathetic sons over us. You fucked up my family since the day Quinn was born. Get out of my office before I make you," He smirked.

"Ah, I see they mentioned to you, my two other sons, how is that poor girl anyway?" I clenched my jaw.


"And her sad mother?"

"Why should you care? You abandoned her because Skylar was a girl," He smirked evilly with a chuckle.

"Conversation," He said coldly.

"You don't deserve a conversation, you deserve to be dead, and your other two sons as well," He looked at me hard.

"How dare you disrespect my family like that," His family,

"Your family? How dare you come to my office when there's no reason you should be here right now. Get out before things get ugly," I made a fist and he laughed.

"Seems like things already are, stop trying to act tough, you were always so weak,"

"How would you know? You were never around," He smirked again.

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