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WARNING: This book involves boyxboy action if any reader disapproves then please move on to a different story.

-sexual activity present

READ with caution, you have been warned

Thank you




I was so happy and thankful we got Josie back and didn't have to tell our parents. Mazor still felt so guilty about it and Xan wasn't helping by being angry and ignoring him. Multiple times he tried apologizing which means he cares and means it.

Josie was baking with Zak, Blake had him come over but first swore to not tell about this place. I am so happy Zak met Blake, Blake seems to like him. Xan was sitting next to me texting mom that Josie is having fun baking. Miles walked in and grabbed his phone away. Xan looked up,

"Sorry, but can we chat in private?" Xan nodded.

Miles gave his phone back and they walked away. My phone beeped and I clicked on the messages on my laptop since they are connected. It was Kelsea, I smiled.

Kelsea Rosetta: Hi, Honeybee! How's your recovery going? I hope all is well (:

She is so nice, I want to get to know her more, but Xan won't let me. If he knew I have her number he will take my phone and block her. I can't have that. I responded quickly.

Me: Hi, I am doing good. Thanks. How are you?

We messaged a bit back and forth.

"Whose Kelsea?" I heard someone ask behind me. I clicked back on my essay page.

"No one," I heard them chuckle, and they came around.

"Calm down, I won't tell Xander. Just don't be all giddy and typing and having your lips wrapping around your head hahahaha" I blushed.

"Sorry," Ryder laughed more and clicked on the tv to a show. I started my essay again.

Xan and Miles must have a lot to talk about, they were for a while.


I was in my room at the house and I shut the curtains, no light on to make it darker. I felt like complete shit, how could I be so stupid and not protecting them? I lost Xander's trust, and interest in me. Nothing can be worse, well, let me rephrase that; what's next, that'll be worse?

I heard my door swing open and shut. I heard a thud and a loud hey, the voice sounded familiar, but who did it belong to? Whoever it was, didn't know I was in there, or that this is my room. I shouldn't exist anyways, after what happened. They tried opening the door but couldn't. How dumb can you be from opening a door?

They flipped the switch, I assume, since my eyelids went lighter, you know when the light just shines in it when it's been closed for a while? I opened my eyes, too sad to pull my pathetic body up. Xander? He was staring at me already, and my heart dropped.

"How do I get out of this room?" I sighed, slowly getting up.

"How hard is it to open a door? And why did you come into my room in the first place? Oh, right, why bother responding to you, you hate me and refuse to talk or look at me. Shield your eyes..." I said walking towards the door, "I'm coming near you," 

I sighed again and ran my hand through my hair. I tried to open the door, but it didn't open. I tried again, locked and unlocked the knob, still didn't budge. I glanced at Xan and he had a smug look on his face.

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