Chapter 23- Bill

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Bill zoomed in his camera on the guy sitting by the window and typing down notes. He wore a shirt and a navy pullover, strands of dark hair falling into his eyes. A jacket was thrown over his chair, a phone peeking out of the pocket. He pushed his glasses up just as Bill snapped a photo. He frowned. It looked like the guy was picking his nose. He took a few more, before returning to lying on his back in the grass.

There were students all around him, complaining about essays they needed to write and exams they needed to fail. The number of things people waste their youth on is amazing. College is useless. Whether or not you have a diploma doesn't really make a difference. You still won't get a job.

"Have you gone in yet?" Diana asked.

"Nope. There's still time."

It was quarter to one and Bill had about fifteen minutes to get his hands on Pablo Gomez's phone.

"Don't be late."

"Don't you worry, Di. I'll be right on time."

"Don't call me Di."

"Okay, Di."

The comms disconnected.

Bill shrugged, deciding it was time to get a move on. Go in past the reception and security, wait until class is over and hope Pablo will keep his phone in the front pocket as he bumped into him— is what Bill could do. But it was a lot of work and he frankly, he wasn't sure he could pull it off. He could do most things, but pickpocketing wasn't his strongest skill. So instead he headed for the front lobby. It was empty and he could see the security guard at the reception reading a book, oblivious to Bill, whose hand lingered over the fire alarm.

He slipped behind a decorative tree, as the guard jumped to his feet, almost dropping his phone and headed to escort the piles of students that burst out of their classrooms. The alarm wailed the halls and above their head, but he noted they weren't pale or in a frenzy. They weren't scared. They just hate college and would rather watch the building burn down, Bill concluded.

He pushed through the crowd, going in the opposite direction and entered through the first door he saw. The ladies' toilet.

It didn't take long for the commotion to settle and after about a minute and a half, not that he was counting, Bill was inside the classroom, overlooking the very patch of grass he was lying on earlier. The board was filled with math equations that would make anyone with a normal brain dizzy and the students had left all of their stuff scattered around. Bill headed to the spot he had noticed Pablo sitting in and paused. Then he checked the row in front. And the row behind. No jacket.

"Um, shit," Bill said, looking to his watch. Cassandra was no doubt already convincing Gomez to call his son and if Bill didn't get that phone and pretend he had Pablo at gunpoint, he'll be the one looking down the barrel himself.

He sprinted outside and slipped into the crowd of chattering people unnoticed, because they were all looking at their phones. He scanned the crowd looking for a certain dweeb in a business jacket.

He quickened his step when he noticed him.

"Wanna go for drinks after?" One of the people in his group asked.

"Su—" Pablo grunted as Bill slammed a shoulder into his shoulder blade, making him take a few steps forward and come face to face with another guy. They grabbed each other by the forearms to regain balance, awkwardly putting more distance between them. Bill shoved his hands in the pockets of his hoodie, hiding the phone. "Shit, sorry man."

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