Chapter 11- Andrew

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The air was brisk unlike the one at Heathrow airport. People bustled about central London, surrounded by grand buildings. Some were talking on the phone, while others hurried on with their day. Tourists roamed the street-- you wouldn't be able to tell them apart from the crowd if not for an occasional rainbow umbrella as the rain began to fall for the second time that morning.

Andrew moved like a shadow, crossing the populated streets and weaving through the crowds. It was his first time in London and he would have taken more time to compare it to Paris where he had grown up if he was not plagued by the thoughts of how the mission would play out. Majesty's people had slowly begun to take charge, posing as staff and guests, unbeknownst to 5 out of 6 members of Squad 6. Andrew hadn't dared to go inside for fear of being recognized, instead lingering outside for a bit before leaving, the guilt beginning to grow at the pit of his stomach.

He took a sharp left, sighing in relief as he saw the black SUV at the red light. He swung the car door open, climbing inside.

"You're late, Jackson."

Andrew took off his sunglasses and glared at Cassandra, a smirk playing on his lips. "You're early."

He buckled his seat-belt glancing her way. She looked different now than she did in Phi. Somehow more relaxed. Until he met her, Andrew had never thought he could be intimidated by a 5'7 female. If her need for a shower was enough to make him crap his pants, then what was she like on the field? His heart rate picked up as he realized that he was about to find out.

"What's the situation?"

"There's not that many people yet, so pretty calm."

"How much do you want to bet Majesty has secured the building top to bottom?"

I don't, Andrew thought.

"What were you doing?" Andrew asked. He had come to the hotel alone and received a call from Cassandra a couple of minutes later.

"Work," she said, as the light turned green and the SUV sped down the road, before it came to a sudden halt and turned off.

"Not again. This is the third fucking time," Cassandra swore, hitting the steering wheel.

The cars honked, maneuvering around the SUV. Rain had begun to fall harder, blurring the outside world. The car crawled as Andrew watched Cassandra struggle to drive. Not even five seconds later, it turned off again.

"Fuck you," Cassie said, leaning into the seat.

Andrew chuckled. What was that about field work he wanted to know?

"What are you laughing at? It's not funny this thing isn't working." She tried to start the car but it didn't budge. She let out a frustrated sigh. "Cazzo!"

Andrew burst into laughter.

"Jackson, if you don't stop laughing I will make you."

"How did you do 'work' when you can't even get the car to start?"

She gave him a pointed look. "Shut up."

Andrew raised his hands in a defensive manner. "Sorry, I just thought you know how to drive."

"And I thought you had at least a few brain cells but hey, I guess I was wrong."

Andrew unbuckled his seat-belt and stepped out.

"Where—" He slammed the door shut, muffling Cassandra's question and crossed to the right side, opening the driver's door.

Cassandra rolled down the window. "I've got this," she shouted through the rain.

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