Chapter 19- Cassandra

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"Holy shit," Diana said, wheeling into the suite.

The front door opened straight into a spacious living room. There was a navy couch in the middle, situated atop a white carpet, which would undoubtedly get dirty in no time. In front of the couch, there was a glass coffee table, surrounded by 2 beanbags and an armchair. There was a LED TV mounted to the inner wall on the left which separated the bedrooms from the main part of the suite. The cloudy skies of New York could be seen through a large window directly across from the front door. The room was connected to the L-shaped kitchen, which was set up on the far right wall. A dinning table with an intricate wooden design stood surrounded by five chairs.

By the TV, there was a doorway that led to the bedrooms. There were four bedrooms on the right and two on the left. Cassie wandered down it, Diana in front of her. Diana opened the second door and hummed in approval when she saw a king sized bed with a night stand next to it. She inspected the tiny bathroom, looking herself in the mirror and fluffing her hair once.

"This is so cool," she murmured.

Cassandra shook her head and scoffed, throwing her bag on the bed in the next room over.

"What's with the face?" Bill asked when she emerged into the living room. He was already sprawled on the couch, his blond hair messy from a beanie he had worn. Outside was still raining, as it had been when they got on the bus in Charlotte. It had resulted in absolute chaos and Cassandra was not eager to repeat it.

"Snakehead didn't want to pay for the transport but he paid for this?" she asked.

Bill shrugged. "Do I look like I'm about to complain? Don't even question it, just enjoy it."

Cassie rolled her eyes, heading for the already stocked fridge. She pulled out a bottle of water, slamming the door closed with her leg.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Bill laughed.

"Your brother," she said, freezing in her spot as the words left her mouth.

Bill remained silent, his eyes glued to the TV as Cassie returned to the bedroom. To say she was annoyed would be an understatement of the century. She had barely slept since they escaped London and her head was pulsing from lack of food and water. She ran a hand down her face, sighing. "Cazzo," she swore, not knowing what else to do.

She rose from the bed, throwing her bag into the corner of the room by the closet.

"You're not going to properly unpack?" Bill asked, knocking on the door-frame.

"Why would I? We won't be here for long."

"We might."

"We won't. We'll be out of here by the end of the week."

Bill nodded. "I think we should talk."

"You didn't seem to want to talk when I first came back to Phi."

He crossed his arms. "Can you really blame me? You abandoned me."

"I don't want to talk about it, Bill."

"Well, I do." He took a step forward.

"Too bad." She opened the closet and then promptly closed it, attempting to avoid the conversation.

"Cassandra, what you said to that dude in the basement, about him dying on top of you, it," he stopped. "What happened?"

His voice was softer and her nose began to itch. "I'm sorry about what I said just now, but we won't be talking about what happened with Squad 13."

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