Chapter 5- Andrew

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He flipped the book to the next page, about to jump out of his skin. Thrillers were his favorite genre to obsess over and there was almost no book he didn't like. This one was no exception. The sun was low on the horizon so Andrew was hunched over a bedside lamp, his back aching from leaning onto the wall for the past hour. His eyes read through pages in record speed as the final fight approached.

There was a bang at the door, causing him to look up in surprise. He wasn't the most social person and there weren't many people in Phi still interested in literature. If you didn't count weapon manuals.

He tossed his book back to the bed and sprung into a standing position. "Why is this locked?" A female voice came from the outside and Andrew strode over, opening the door. In the hallway stood a girl in the standard uniform, with a silver 6 on her chest. Andrew didn't recognize her and he would've remembered seeing someone like her.

With white hair and icy blue eyes, the 5'7 female breathed hostility.

"It won't open, because it's not your room," Andrew retorted.

She pushed past him, throwing herself on the second bed in the room and dropping a duffel bag on the floor. "Was your roommate Rodger?"

Andrew frowned. "He is, yes."

The girl kicked off her boots and walked over to the Rodger's drawers, taking out a towel. "This will have to do." She slammed the door shut with an unnecessary force.

She slid her feet into Rodger's slippers and headed for their bathroom, a stack of clothes in her hands.

Andrew grabbed her forearm, making her drop one of the items on top of the pile she was carrying. The deodorant bottle hit the ground with a thud. "What are you doing?"

The girl stiffened, almost wincing. "Move it or lose it." She turned to him, rolling her shoulder back. "I'm your new roommate."

"What happened to Rodger?"

"I stabbed him to death."

He couldn't tell if the girl was kidding or not but with the recent events, he decided he'd better ask. "Why would you do that?"

She shrugged. "It's kind of what you do when you get attacked by half a Squad in the middle of the night."

Andrew shook his head. "You can't room with me. The rooms are not co-ed."

The girl frowned. "If remember correctly, it was boys who had cooties, not girls. If I don't mind being your roommate, I don't see why you would mind me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I am in need of a shower."

She picked up her deodorant and slammed the door in his face.

Andrew went to jiggle the doorknob, but the door was locked. "Mon Dieu, qu'estce que ce bordel?" he swore, checking outside. The halls were empty.


Twenty minutes later, the door to the bathroom swung open. The girl entered back into the room, wearing the pants of her uniform and a black T-shirt, her hair wrapped in a towel. She crossed the room and rummaged through her bag. She pulled out a stack of papers and threw them o the bed continuing her search. She pulled out a hairbrush and scoffed, shoving the papers back in the bag and wrinkling them.

"I can see you staring," she said as she combed her hair. She glanced over at the bathroom mirror and fixed her hair parting.

Andrew returned his gaze down to the book. "Well, excuse me. It's not every day a stranger barges in your room and claims to be your new roommate,"

He had returned to his book but ended up re-reading the same sentence over and over. The thoughts of the conversation with George the day before taunted him.

The girl made a pensive face as she listened and when she was done combing her hair, she threw the brush away and extended her hand. "I'm Cassandra."

"Andrew Jackson."

"There, now we're not strangers."

He didn't know where she'd come from or what she wanted. Knowing her name, which might as well have been a fake one, didn't help him at all. "Where are you from?"

She didn't reply, beginning to braid her hair.

He rolled his eyes. "Okay. Why are you here?"

She tugged on her uniform jacket, her braided hair falling over her shoulders. "I'm about to find that out. Later, roomie."

He could hear her walking down the hall and to the stairwell. He smirked. She did seem more fun than Rodger. At least she showered. 

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