Chapter 8- Chloe

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Din jävla idiot,” Chloe swore. 

Tucked away inside the training room number 6, Chloe fidgeted with her fingers. The training building was the largest on the campus, with the most people roaming around. The corridors were dreadfully long, ensuring you ran into at least 10 intimidating individuals while you passed by.

The soft mat beneath Chloe’s feet covered a good portion of the floor. It was meant for sparring, an activity she hated most of all. She wasn’t big on violence or fighting. Despite Ellie, her mentor, attempting to train her, Chloe could never hurt anyone. The mere thought of having to kill anothe person made her want to puke. 

It had been almost a year since she joined Phi. It offered her a chance in a new life. Ellie told her only when she knew what she wanted from herself, she will know what she wanted from the world. But, Chloe already knew what she wanted from the world. To give Irene back. Given that she could not get her friend back by being in jail, Chloe was here instead.

Ellie was clear. The world will never give you anything- you have to be strong enough to take it. It had been good advice, but Chloe might’ve let it get into her head too much.

She crossed her arms across her chest, sighing. Maybe none of them would show up. She won’t have to meet her new team and she could continue hiding and training by herself.

She had joined on a whim anyway. All the talk about strength and confidence caused her to feel like she could actually become an assassin.

What a better way to get what you want then force people to give it to you? It had been a stupid, adrenaline-driven idea, not like her at all. 


Chloe jumped a little at the sound of a voice. She spun around, blush threatening to creep up on her pale cheeks. A guy smiled at her. He was tall, with blonde hair, gelled to look spikey. He wore a typical leather uniform with a golden letter ‘Phi’ and the number 6. 

“Bill Connors.” He extended his hand.

Chloe’s throat went dry. She watched the hand, wearily. He was bigger than her and stronger. In a fight, she had no chance against a gold fish, let alone this guy. Chloe specialized in being invisible not making others disappear.

He raised his eyebrows, then frowned and took a step forward. As a reflex, Chloe stumbled back, raising her hands in front of her. She had seen what he had done in the cafeteria. 
Bill’s eyes widened in surprise as he passed her, picking up a blade from the wheel cart. 

“How long have you been here? Two, three months?” His finger traced the edge of a blade.

Chloe looked at the floor, blushing. “A year.”

“Try not to look so scared. It gives you away.” 

“And how do I do that, hun?” 

Chloe bit the inside of her cheek. She needed to keep her mouth shut. No amount of arrogance was worth a broken bone. She thought she had learnt that lesson long ago. 

Bill looked at her in momentary disbelief and Chloe anticipated his anger outburst. 

“Like that,” he said, pointing the blade in her direction. “Confidence. And if you don’t have any, fake it ‘till you make it baby.” 


“Don’t care. We don’t discuss personal matters during training. They should’ve told you that. Unless your mentor is an absolute idiot.” He looked at her and as if something snapped into place, he snorted.

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