Vinte E Tres - My Chill Pill Is Football

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"Natalia, I need to go, I told you I am going to my football team after years" I say as I pack my duffle bag.

She hasn't stopped showing me these pictures and telling me that Neymar's a asshole, jerk, and a player. I didn't really care what she said, I mean I used to think he was an asshole too.

"Why can't you just have some sister time with me, I am leaving soon" She says giving me a puppy face. I am already late and I need to go to where I meet my team, they sent a texrt to my mom last week saying they wanted to see me, they didn´t have my number so that´s why the sent a text to mom. 

"I am late, and you know that I am seeing my football team" I say, checking one last time, making sure I have everything in my bag. 

"Football Football, and Football, why can´t you just have some chill time" She says whining. 

Chill time?  Football is my chill time. 

"You know very well that Football is my chill time" I say it out loud and clearly, now that I am starting to play and even got into university, I don´t want anything to stop me. 

"Fine" She sighs, rolling her eyes. 

I leave the house and play some music on my phone as I make my way to the field. I hum along to the music playing through my ear-buds. 

Music takes me to my own world, where everything is...basically awesome and how I imagine my life to be in the future. My best quality is my imagination. 

I get to the field, and see my team sitting down, talking and drinking some water from there water bottles. I have sure missed those days. 

I open the gate and walk in. I see one of my old friends, she stands up and walks over to me with a confused face. 

"Anabella, Anabella Di Alavares?" 

Great, does he remember me?

"Yep, that´s me" I say slightly smiling. Some other girls start walking towards me and soon they were all standing around me, looking at me, making me feel uncomfortable. 

"You´re coming, aren´t you?, oh my god that´s great!" one of the girls say, she steps a little closer and I finalyy see her face. It´s one of my old fiends, Sophia. 

"We are really happy to see you!" Margo, another girl on the team says. 

"Oh my gosh! I am so looking forward to playing with you again" Another girls says, I believe her name was Julie. 

"I thought you were in U.S.A" I hear that familiar annoying voice. Aidine. 

Aidine, was a strange girl. She was kind on the first month I played here for this team. We talked and had a great time. Than she started acting like a bitch, insulting me, and making fun of everything I did. Her father and her mother were both rich as fuck. They bought her tickets to every match, and got her the most newest pair of shoes on the planet. 

She´s not that Barbie doll girl, that´s more like Sasha. She´s just trying to make herself look like one. 

I ignore Aidine,

"I am happy to be back, I have missed you guys" I say smiling, and avoiding Aidine. 

Coach Joice took the register, while me and Sophia were talking. She told me about how it was when I wasn´t here, and how Aidine was now one of the best players. I told her about U.S and how I found out I am going to university soon. 

Most the girls are gathered around Aidine and another girl, who I am guessing is new. 

"So today we play are not playing some football, just practice, get a partner and practice, practice, and even more practice" Couch Joice says. 

I take my football out of my bag and practice juggling with Sophia. I almost forgot how to juggle, I can only do up to fifty. 

 After juggling, the couch wanted to see my skills. I had to show her how I did a head, juggling using both foot, my shooting skills, dribbling, and much more that actually weren't that important. 

She said that I was very good at everything, which I think isn't true, she just wanted to say something. I was a bit taken aback when she said "I heard you used to be the best on the team, but now  Aidine is the star, she can maybe help you".

Aidine was always good at football, even when I was still better than her. Her dad took her to a football camp, the most richest football camp in Rio, while I was in U.S and escpaing football. 

After this lesson, couch said the from now on every wednsday the practice will be held here. 

I pack my bag and say goodbye to everyone. Sophia was still with me, packing her bag. Than Aidine came...

"Sophia, my daddy is throwing a football party tonight , and I will be..." I didn't listen to what she said, because soon I got a text from Neymar. 

Ola, Since you just got into university, I wanted to celebrate by taking you somewhere tonight, xxx let me know where you are now so I can pick you up. 

I smile at the text, and sort of blush. Than I noticed Aidine looking at me with a slightly bitchy face. She really hated me, I think she even hates me more, now that I am back in the team. 

"If you want you can come too, but does you dad still have his old car, can you be driven, or should I call a taxi for you?" Oh no she didn't.....

Well she has no idea that Neymar Da Silva Santos is the one who will be taking me out tonight with his fancy ass car

I don't know what made me think like that, but Aidine is just such a.....bitch. 

"I am sorry, but I have other plans" I say throwing my bag over my shoulder and making my way out the field. 

Really? cool, well I am close to the mall, since I was at practice, so yeah xxx

I send him a text back. And walk to the mall, away from Aidine. 


Comment if you know this one biach that you get bad vibes by just looking at her or him. lol cuz I do

By the way thanks for the votes I love youuuu alllll xxxxx

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