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It's killing me. I was watching Fate Zero. and saber and lancer. They just. PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER!!!!! SO FRICKING PERFECT!!!!!!!

Cause they had to defeat Caster, and Lancer broke his lance for Saber and I was all 'AWWWWWW!!!! YOU TWO WOULD MAKE SUCH PERFECT BABYSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!'

And then there's the scene where Archer/Gilgamesh was all like: MmmHmm. Dat gurl doe. She gon be minnneeee~ *then disappears*

I was like: lol naw fool. She lancers. MmmHmmm.

I want like an argument between the two other Saber.............


I'm gone now

I need to watch more. •^•

(Also in the media for those who don't know, the one in the back is Archer, middle one is Lancer, and in the front is Saber)

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