A Simple Guide to Spanish (By FullMetal_SkittleZ)

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Hello, and Welcome to A Simple Guide to Spanish by FullMetal_SkittleZ, who is obviously an expert on other languages and totally has a degree in this stuff.

For today's lesson, we will be covering simple words and how to spell and pronounce them with ease. People who actually speak it fluently, will be surprised at the way you can easily pronounce anything and everything!

So, let us start with our highly educational lesson of epicness.

'Hello' is a simply word, and is both spelt and pronounced as 'wholah'.

'Goodbye' is 'Addyo's'

'Thank you' is 'grassyass'

'Yes' is 'See'

'No' is 'NahDah'

'Come' is 'Voominoos'

'Red' is 'Rowhoe'

Hopefully you won't need anymore words to be able to get through a conversation.

And so concludes our expert lesson on the simple basis of Spanish. Complete with how to spell and pronounce words.

(Uhhh... Just in case I mean no offense XD but this was freakin fun)

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