Mmmm Taquitos (And Food Horror Stories)

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Me, and my two younger brothers are eating tons of taquitos for dinner, sitting around at the table.

Gabe: So yeah, we where pretending the house was a clown house and you *points to me* where an evil doll

Jacob: Yep! You where scary

Me: ... I wasn't even playing though...


Jacob: YEAH!!! PLEASE?!?!

Me: dudes. I do not want to give you nightmares.

Gabe & Jacob: we won't!! And if we do we won't blame you!

Me: fine... If you insist. NOT MY FAULT THOUGH!!! *clears throat* Bobby moved into a new house with his family, in the middle of nowhere. His room was on the second floor, in the middle of the house. A large window overlooking the yard.
On the first night, he woke up to the sound of a little girl crying outside his door. He dismissed, and fell back to sleep.
The second night, he woke again to the crying. This time, in the corner of his room. He sat up, yawned, ignored it. And went back to sleep.
On the third night, he woke again. This time. It was out his window. This time, he figured, it couldn't be a dream if it happened three times in a row. He stood up from his bed, and was going to the window when suddenly- a hand grabbed his ankle from under the bed and yanked him under with its clawed fingers. He was soon enveloped in darkness.
Then. He woke up. And heard a girl crying outside his door.

Gabe & Jacob: *sorta just stare at me*

Me: ..... Hey, you wanted a horror story.


Jacob: *is silent*

Me: *thinks for a second* I've got a good one.

Me: he was surrounded by white. No clouds. No grass. No sun. Just white. Everywhere. He felt old, and it seemed so claustrophobic. The whiteness was disturbing. Then suddenly, there was a bright light. So bright he had to look away, and then there was a voice. It said: "dump the milk, it's old." THE END :D

Gabe: I don't get it

Jacob: me neither

Me: *sigh* he felt old. Dump the milk. It's old. Eh? Ehhhhhh??

Gabe: I GET IT X'D *laughs*

Jacob: ohhh *laughs also*

Me: ONE MORE. He was trapped. The box was all around him, his friends on either side. It was so claustrophobic. He couldn't move. He could t breath. He needed air, needed to escape. Then there was an awful ripping sound, and he was spilled out onto a metal pan, his friends spred out beside him. And he was put into the oven. THE END.

Gabe: huh?

Jacob: I have no idea

Me: *waves taquitos around* Mmmm Taquitooooooos

Gabe: Ooooohhhhhh


What goes on in my mind..Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz