Explaining Shipping

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One day I decided to explain shipping to my little brother (and I was in a ranty mood)

Gabe: so why would you go crazy over ships?? When did you like sailing??

Me: not literally ships, but other ships. And canon. But not literal cannon. There's a difference


Me: wait! I GOT IT *gets a piece of paper and pen* okay think of it this way *draws lousy ship (like the sailing kind) and then draws two stick people and a heart around them* There. Ship, *points to ship* is a actual ship you sail on. There *points to the stick people* is the type of ship when you see them as a perfect match and should have a relationship. See?

Gabe: ..... Oh. Well... Yeah.

Me: now! CANON AND CANNON!! Mkay *draws a literal canon that kinda sorta sucks* this is the cannon that is used as a weapon against ships, though it can also work with the other type of canon but we don't talk about that. *draws the two stick people again, but to kinda look like their circle heads are touching* and THIS is canon. Which is official thing saying they like each other.

Gabe: why are they head butting

Me: shut up

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