What i do when im bored

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So I was over at my friends house, and we where super bored. So we decided to name numbers :3

Names of da Numbers
1 is for peebnut bubber

2 is for Tuba

3 is for House

4 is for The Fantastic Four

5 is for Evil

6 is for FlutterShy

7 is for Joshua

8 is for Bob

9 is also for Evil

10 is for Patrick

11 is for alllll da people in The Hunger Games

12 is for Turquoise

13 is for all of da explosions

14 is for get off of that freaking helicopter before I punch you where the sun don't shine
15 is for red

16 is for pop tarts

17 is for frogs

18 is for armpits

19 is for books

20 is for idiots

21 is for Mason the jar

22 Is for Commander Fox

23 Is for Commander Scar (A.K.A rainbow)

24 is for Captain Rex

25 is for Captain Sharpie

26 is for Red

27 is for Oddball

28 is for Yarnball

29 is for White-Shadow

30 is for Four-Eyes

31 is for Commander Cody

32 is for The Yoda Disease

33 is for Phil

34 is for Shinshine

35 Is for the Jedi Council

36 is for The Generals

37 is for The Healing Droid

So far thats all we got XD most of them probably don't make sense, because most of them are inside jokes :3 but it's still pretty darn random, so I think it fits in, in this book XD

What goes on in my mind..Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz