Me:I guess.

Mom:But who are you most happy with?

Me:I don't know, both to be honest. Each of them makes me happy I'm comfortable and I can be myself with them.

Mom:Okay, now a serious question, which one sexs you better? And don't try to lie remember your my child. Ain't no shame in your game.

This lady here. I face palm and shake my head. Before looking back at her.

Me:They are both good. They both like to cuddle or talk afterwards.

Mom:Okay, so say we are twenty years from now, who do you imagine seeing your teenage almost adult children calling dad? Or if you can't see the kids see it as coming home to them or them coming home to you, who do you think you'll feel the same butterflies or joy to see?

I actually sit back and think, I don't know if it's because I don't know what life has to offer but I also can see both after coming home after work. I can see Oscar in the kitchen or backyard building something or cooking. I can see Tyree running around with the kids  and spinning me around.


Mom:It's okay baby time will tell don't worry about it at all, you're still young you're beautiful and smart, you have a great head on your shoulders and you know what's right. Don't let males get you tripped up. Okay?

I nod and we get up paying for our stuff and heading home.

Mom:How would you feel about us moving here?

Me:I wouldn't mind it. I like it here.

Mom:Yeah, it's decent. We'll for sure go back and visit Chicago for your grandma. But I like it here.

Me:Yeah. It's cool.

Mom:Well that's great because I've already found a house it's two bedroom and it's a block from Wayne's. He's the one who found it and it's pretty. I already put a down payment on it and transferred my job here.


Mom:Yeah it was going to be a birthday surprise but I'll just leave that to the actual showing of the house. Probably have a whole party there.

Me:Yeah I'd like that.

I lean back and smile. Maybe everything will work out.

My phone vibrates in my hand and I look at it seeing it's Olivia.

Olivia🤷🏽‍♀️:Hey Amara have you talked to Cesar?

Me:Yeah he's with his people. I just talked with Spooky.

Olivia🤷🏽‍♀️:Is everything okay?

Me:Yeah, spooky wouldn't let anything happen to him. He's good. He probably doesn't have his phone on him they're probably outside somewhere. Focus on your big day girl! It's your big day soon!

Olivia🤷🏽‍♀️:Yeah, I guess. Thanks.

Me:No problem.

I huff and sit back, lord please watch over Cesar and the rest of my friends and family as they try to find a solution to this crazy situation.

Time Skip to late that night...

I pull up to the church Jamal said they were at and I see ruby's family car infront. I get out and lock the car. I walk in and see Monse and Jamal in each other's face screaming well Monse in jamal's. The hell? I walk up hearing what she's saying. and snatch her from infront of his face.

Monse:Your whole life is a lie. Those fake ass injuries. Bullshitting your parents. The football team. You're the biggest, fakest liar ever.

Me:You really want to talk about liars? Did you forget that little thing you did? That just so happens to keep happening? Jamal told his parents the truth, his football coach knows the truth, but guess what! He was looking for this shit to help a friend out! Not for himself! How dare you try to blame my damn cousin because Cesar's family is doomed to the streets! You think they won't find him? Huh? Think with your fucking head Monse instead of your fucking heart because at the end of the day? Cesar will be a Santos, weather he runs from it or not, if you wanted him to run away so badly why didn't you make up a plan? The next time you step into my cousins face again I'll beat yours in, you're a suck ass friend to my little cousin all of you are. Always blaming him for shit he didn't do, you're lucky he loves you so much or I would have told him to stay the hell away from you guys! Yall are young ass kids and I get it! Y'ALL are going through some stuff! But that doesn't mean you go throwing rocks when you're house is made out of glass Monse. Because all it takes is a hard peice of dirt to shatter all of it.
Let's go Jamal.

We walk out and to the car. He gets in next to me and I pull out.

Me:Why the hell do you hang around them? They are toxic as hell especially Monse.

Jamal:We've been best friends since middle school, probably longer.

Me:And? They treat you like shit Jamal, I don't even talk to you like that and I'm your big cousin. I don't even curse at you.

Jamal:Because you're a great person, who understands everything, they only understand what they want to understand. Monse has always been a hot head.

Me:Yeah and that hot head is going to be the reason for a busted head. Look, all I'm saying is that stop letting them push you around. Today? That shit shouldn't have happened, Monse is fucking herself and she needs to clear her head quickly.

Jamal:What do you mean?

Me:It's a girl thing.

Jamal:I'm not going to Olivia's Quince.

Me:Fine if you don't go I won't go.

Jamal:You just wanted an excuse to not go.

Me:Nah, don't need one, I just won't go. Simple.

Jamal:I think roller world is real...

Me:I have faith in it. It could be real, I mean if someone made all these booby traps I'm sure they were hiding something worth all the time and effort of different tricks to keep some people out. If you believe it then follow it until you get answers.

Jamal:At least someone believes in me.

Me:Always cuzo, we the only ones we got, our parents ain't having no more kids.

Jamal:Thanks Chi.

Me:No problem, shorty.

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